Quantum matter action results in a causal set universe where space and time emerge from a sprinkle of random quantum photon resonant paths. The quantum gravity of matter action is Lorentz invariant and therefore completely consistent with the measurements of Science. However, matter-action interpretations of those measurements are quite different from spacetime interpretations.
This is especially true for the gravity black hole singularity of Science since gravity black hole singularities do not have a basis in quantum gravity until now. This is largely due to the nature of the black-hole singularity and the sprinkled photon resonances from which spacetime emerges do not have any singularities.
Gravity relativity is a body centered force in spacetime that curves or warps spacetime around that body. Thus, bodies follow the straight-line geodesics in warped spacetime and so there is no spacetime gravity force, just gravity warping of spacetime.
In matter action, quantum gravity is a result of the random photon geodesic resonances that complement the quantum geodesic resonances that bind charge matter. The matter-action causal set shows not only the photon geodesic resonances that bind quantum charge, matter action also shows those photon geodesic resonances that bind each body to the universe. Instead of gravity relativity warping spacetime, quantum gravity is the result of bodies shadowing each other's universe geodesic bonds. Thus quantum gravity force occurs along body centerlines and so quantum gravity is then a center-of-mass force and not actually a body-centered force.

A quantum black hole is then consistent with all measurements of black holes, but a quantum black hole is much more interesting than the singularity of a spacetime black hole. Photon geodesic resonances deflect around black holes because of the gravitational red shift and constant speed of light. However, there are still quantum resonances that occur between a black hole and an emitter and absorber of light.
A quantum black hole still has the very slow decay of cosmic time as a spiral decay, which has no meaning in spacetime relativity. The spiral decay in cosmic time of a quantum black hole is very reminiscent of the interpretation of a black hole as an eternal collapsing object without an event horizon. Thus, quantum black holes are the natural outcome of a all collapsing matter in the matter-action universe.
The quantum black hole is really not black at all and, just like any quantum body, not only absorbs light as heat, but also reflects and transmits light to emitters as well as other black holes. The Ricci tensor of relativity shows the effect of matter on spacetime, but the random red shifts of photon geodesic resonances sprinkled into spacetime correspondingly reveal the presence of matter. Photon resonance geodesics are simply causal links between bodies that are the underlying structure of matter action from which space and time emerge as gravity relativity.
The quantum causal set of a black hole incorporates the same causal set emitter pair geodesics as does all of reality. Of course, the emitter superposition only decays with quantum black hole absorption and it is only then that there is an arrow of time.
Quantum black holes, just like all matter, have both reversible quantum resonances as well as irreversible quantum decays. While reversible quantum resonances represent superpositions that are the basis of reversible atomic events without time's arrow, irreversible quantum decay is the basis for the very slow cosmic time arrow for universe decay. Black holes absorption are a universal heat sink that ultimately determines the irreversible atomic time arrow for each photon geodesic.