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Monday, May 21, 2018

The Polarization of Chaos and Order

There is much concern today over the polarization of civil discourse and yet ironically, it is the attraction of polar opposites that is what actually binds the universe together. Charge force, for example, is how matter bonds with the attraction of opposite charges limited by photon exchange. The conflict of quantum chaos is why opposite charges do not completely collapse into each other but rather only collapse until the conflicting force of their photon exchange equals the force of collapse. In other words, a perpetual civil discourse between an electron and proton is binds the opposite charges of all matter.

The polarization of civil discourse is also ironically what leads to a stronger civilization of increased meaning and purpose. The more people disagree, the more angry they become and that anger can result in an increase in misery and suffering of conflict for that person as well as for others. However, anger is a very important emotion that shows people the limits of acceptable selfishness and anger necessarily always complements serenity as part of our unconscious archetypes. Therefore, the polarization of discourse can actually lead to a stronger bonding of people in a civilization with the meaning and purpose of individual freedom limited by the anger of selfishness. This is what we call civil discourse, which of course does not mean that people change each other's minds and so people do get angry with each other. Civil discourse does mean, however, that people exchange ideas and reveal their emotions to each other with the desirable future of reducing misery and suffering even while tolerating certain inequality of outcomes.

There is a deep and fundamental mystery in why two political parties with two different narratives emerged almost immediately upon the founding of American Greatness. Actually, two party government has occurred in all other successful democracies as well. In contrast, authoritarian state rule believes and enforces only one virtuous state narrative and therefore the state only allows one party with only one virtuous narrative. The ultimate virtue signal is that there is only one virtuous narrative and all other narratives are inherently malevolent and therefore dangerous. The vice of the malevolent narrative of the other precursor must then be banished with violence, if necessary, and replaced by the virtue of a good narrative.

Gravity force bonds macroscopic bodies together and is also a result of that same matter exchange as charge force but gravity is biphoton and not a single photon exchange. Just like charges do not collapse into each other, gravity matter also does not collapse into other matter and become a black hole but rather gravity matter collapses until the compression of charge force of biphoton exchange equals the collapse of gravity force. Therefore gravity is not limited by the single photon exchange of opposite charge attraction but rather gravity is limited by the biphoton exchange of charge force compression. Once gravity force reaches the threshold of light capture, science calls this a black hole since space and time no longer have any meaning.

Thus, the universe is made up of the bonding of polar opposites stabilized by the exchange of light just as a civil discourse is what bonds people in an argument. We shine onto other people and they shine onto us and that exchange or discourse is what binds us to them and them to us. The fundamental composition of the universe is in the duality of the chaos of discrete matter and order of discrete action and the coexistence of the collective consciousness of civilization with individual consciousness of its many people. Consciousness depends on the existence of unconscious archetypes that bond the chaos of matter with the order of action by discourse and photon exchange.

The universe exists with both order and chaos and yet either chaos or order can lead to undesirable suffering, anxiety, anger, and misery as well as to desirable pleasure and joy and serenity. We must therefore learn a number of unconscious archetypes as we grow up to provide us with meaning and purpose in our lives and therefore bond chaos into some kind of order. These unconscious archetypes guide the chaos of our conscious choices with a desirable future of order, which is the order of the state that reduces suffering, anxiety, and misery, especially for other people. However, the chaos of the individual can also lead to pleasure and joy even though either the chaos of the individual or the order of the state can also each lead to many undesirable futures as well.

There is a great deal of ancient wisdom that teaches the archetype of the chaos of a sovereign individual freedom over the archetype of the order of a state tryanny. However, both the chaos of the individual and the order of the state are necessary parts of a dual universe that bonds the chaos of matter with with the order of action. A cosmic wave background (CMB) surrounds us in the cosmos with the order of a very cold 2.7 K at the limit of what we can know as illustrated by the Mollweide diagram below. The upper and lower center show up and down while the very center shows straight ahead and the left and right points both show what is directly behind. The simple ellipse of the Mollweide diagram represents the heavens that surround us in three dimensions and so the entire universe in one plot.

Since we move with respect to the fixed CMB, our motion results in a CMB dipole order because of our motion of 371 km/s relative to the CMB, which is just 0.1% of the speed of light. Our motion shows the ordered action of our common destiny against the chaotic CMB of our origin. The CMB represents an archetype of meaning and purpose not unlike the Yin (female, earth, chaos, discrete aether, darkness) and Yang (male, heaven, order, discrete action, light) of the Chinese Dao shown below.

What people do not yet understand is that it is exactly the polarization of political discourse and exchange of ideas that bonds people into the collective order of civilization. There must be an increase in chaos for an older order to evolve into a newer order and that chaos then is the mother of the new order that evolves from the father of the old order.

What is important for the evolution of a new order, though, is civil discourse that is the light exchange that bonds the chaos of aether with the order of action. The evolution of a new order can easily decay into the order of an overly tyrannical state that overly suppresses the chaos of individual freedom and there are certainly plenty of tyrannical state archetypes throughout history. The more desirable archetypes show the desirability of sovereign individual freedom and therefore the desirability to limit state tyranny to the bare minimum needed to sustain individual freedom.

Along with individual freedom comes individual responsibility as a contract to maintain an archetype of purpose and meaning in each life within the limits of constitution and laws that govern behavior. Likewise it is responsibility that limits state tyranny and state responsibility shows up in that constitution and laws that govern individual behavior and limit state tyranny.

Civilization is made up first of all of individuals and then second of all of a large number of group or tribe identities with more limited freedom and increased tyranny. Those groups each need to support individual freedom and so there is a group responsibility to limit group tyranny. Individual freedom is especially important when one tribe conflicts with another tribe since those conflicts can result in either civil discourse as well as the diatribes of demagoguery.

Since most tribal members are not competent to engage very effectively in one-on-one civil discourse with a person from a conflicting tribe, it is the hierarchies that engage in discourse. So most people must rely on a group diatribe and demagoguery to maintain a tribal conflict and it is therefore important for conflicting tribes to adequately indoctrinate their members with specific diatribes and demagoguery to sustain that tribal conflict. It is up to the competence hierarchies of the two conflicting tribes to lead a civil discourse to resolve that conflict since most tribal members do not have the competence for civil discourse.

When a group identity claims an absolute moral without any responsibility to any other group, there is then no place for civil discourse. Absolute moral claims often result in a state tyranny suppressing hate speech or apostasy but it can sometimes be impossible to draw a boundary between hate speech for one group and speech that is simply unpleasant to hear for another group in conflict. Suffering and misery often result from conflicts that arise from different absolute morals. This suffering and misery then evolves into a narrative of the tyranny of one group over another and so suffering and misery can sustain a conflict that actually bonds two tribes as opposites.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris

Peterson and Harris have two very different beliefs; Harris believes in an subjective atheistic Zen Buddhism archetype while Peterson believes in a romantic and pragmatic Christian archetype. An archetype as per Carl Jung is an idealized person or myth whose behavior people then choose to emulate to improve their own lives as well as the lives of those who they touch. The Buddhist and Christ archetypes therefore both have very large followings around the world and have many similarities as well as many differences. Both the Buddha and Christ narratives teach that life is full of misery and suffering and both narratives seek to therefore reduce that misery and suffering and so improve life. Each archetype then has a series of rituals that further help people to lead more compassionate and less selfish lives.
They have posted two very interesting videos, one and two, along with each of their own followups, three and four, that are all well worth viewing. The notion of discrete aether wisdom is as shown in the diagram and is a way to understand what Peterson and Harris are saying. That is, that wisdom derives from both classical knowledge like the facts of science, as well as from quantum intuition, which comes from reason and intuition. It is quantum intuition that allows people to know the substantial amount of wisdom that comes from outside the facts of science. This includes great literature, philosophy, and religion, which are all parts of the universe that define the quantum unknowable.
While the essence of Peterson's Christ archetype brings objective order from subjective chaos, Harris's Buddhist archetype also brings order from chaos with only a belief in the archetype of the tools of science. Harris admits that there is much that science does not know about the world and even that science typically refuses to even consider any questions that have no measurable and objective facts. This is in spite of the fact that Harris does follow to a Zen Buddhist archetype, but seems to say that Harris has extracted the useful wisdom of the Buddhist archetype with the rational maeasurements of science. Harris has stated in many previous discourses, though, that there are still very deep mysteries with consciousness. Harris is nevertheless confident that the tools of science will eventually be able to extract a useful wisdom from measurements of consciousness.

The Harris atheist myth, on the one hand, patterns life based on a subjective feeling of what is right, which is an archetype of self image and therefore atheism is inherently selfish. The atheist archetype rejects any role for mysticism or spirituality in life but it really takes a very devoted belief in the atheist archetype given that it is beliefs in archetypes that anchor consciousness, not just a belief in the facts of science. While Buddha teaches salvation through meditation and loss of self, Christ teaches salvation through prayer and compassion for others. Harris denies that there could be any such thing as an atheist archetype or belief since atheism is the belief that religions are false and destructive narratives. Since archetype belief is what anchors all consciousness, everyone has a set of belief archetypes and so Harris goes on to say that atheism is closest to his archetype belief in meditation as a means of addressing the mystery of self and consciousness. 

The figure below shows the dipole cosmic wave background and the CMB archetype shows the absolute direction from our birth to where we are all heading in the universe. We are coming from to constellation Pisces and heading towards the constellation Virgo in the sky, which means we were created at our own CMB in free space and are collapsing into the Virgo galaxy cluster and then supercluster final destiny. This diagram is reminiscent of the Yin-Yang archetype of Daosim, which supposes people on the border between chaos of many possible futures versus the order of the past...
As a result, it would appear that atheism is also an archetype of order from chaos after all. After all, a belief in the archetype that nothing is something after all is of course a contradiction that has a long history of discourse. There is actually no way to assign nothing to an archetype without the contradiction and as a result, the archetype of nothing has been a theme of philosophical discourse for several millennia.

When two people share their archetypes in discourse of narratives, there is an opportunity for them and others to learn more about the archetypes from those narratives. However, it is also possible for any such discourse about beliefs to get bogged down in some semantic differences in language and definition of terms. In fact, Harris and Peterson did get bogged down with their respective descriptions of values and truths and that resulted in just such a dead-end that ended their first session. However, their next session managed to table the issue of values and truths and move on to other more revealing discourses on the value of great literature and other ancient wisdom.

While Harris is an avowed atheist apologist who does not like the word atheism to describe his belief that there is really no useful role for the false narratives of religion even though Harris is a devoted meditative Buddhist. Peterson is an avowed Christian apologist and is dedicated to a pragmatic salvation by resurrection and emulation of various religious narratives which are not true and also not false. So naturally their discussion included the role of science and measurement and both agreed that the measurements of science are useful tools. Peterson called Harris a Newtonian as opposed to calling himself a Darwinian romanticist or pragmatist. Harris prefers to call himself a skeptical materialist in that he doubts anything that science cannot measure and yet is certain that the world exists outside of his mind. He further believes that the false narratives of religion have little value for his outcomes and further argues that religion has therefore little value for civilization as well.

Peterson has a great deal of derision for the moral relativism that he calls post-modern neomarxism. Peterson's derision is therefore interesting since Harris is really the embodiment of a post-modern relativist. Harris even believes that the facts of science can define moral behavior better than religion, which is a belief called scientism. Since the subjective truths of moral behavior are based on belief and not on the facts of science, this simply is not true. Harris is not quite sure why Peterson calls him Newtonian versus Darwinist since Harris most certainly views Darwinism as part of science. Peterson criticized Harris along with Dawkins in previous discourses for calling themselves scientific Darwinists and yet completely ignoring the role of hidden knowledge in the evolution of morality. After all, much of Darwin’s evolution takes place with a blind determinism but is really subject not only determinism, but also to the free choice of behavior. Instead of just determinate blind fate driving evolution, then, quantum free choice also drives human evolution including moral feeling.

While Peterson recognizes science and measurement as great tools for collecting facts, Peterson also argues that there are limits to any wisdom from the facts of science. One example that he poses is that there is wisdom and therefore great truths in the literature of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky and that wisdom and truth have little to do with the fact-based wisdom of science. In fact Harris gave Peterson this point and Harris also then accepted that there is much useful wisdom in the ancient stories of religion. But Harris then went on to say that he saw little future value for religious wisdom since religious stories are not based on the facts of science. 

Harris then described how he invented a mystical story from a randomly acquired recipe. Such an invention Harris claimed was an example of how human ingenuity generates mystical stories without any basis in the facts of science. Peterson countered that just because Harris invented a mystical story does not then mean that it is a very good story and just like there is much literature that is not very good, there is also many religious stories that are not very good either. The value in any particular set of myths is in how well it resonates with people over the ages and if it is therefore creates archetypes that are useful in guiding behavior. Peterson is a pragmatic romanticist since he believes that the archetypes of ancient stories are often good to emulate for improving your life.

Both Peterson and Harris would likely agree that there are many mysteries about the world, even given all of the facts of science. However, they did not further differentiate mysteries that result from what we just don't yet know but can still possibly know from mysteries that result from what we cannot ever know. The irony is that philosophical and religious discourse about things that we cannot ever know do not actually answer any questions, they merely rehash discourse that sometimes spans millennia. Can such discourse about what we cannot ever know contribute to wisdom? Is the ancient wisdom of religion useful for discourse about questions that have no clear answers? Is there still wisdom possible in the unknowable?

Why are we here?

Why are we right here right now?

Why is it us and not someone else who is right here right now?

Science is about facts that come from measurements and science does not address questions that are not amenable to measurement. Some in science go on to suppose that questions beyond the facts of science are not useful questions and therefore cannot contribute to wisdom. However, there is much great literature that does not derive from the facts of science and yet that great literature does contribute to wisdom that is beyond the facts of science. Harris agrees that there is much great literature that does contribute to wisdom, but he denies that there might therefore be any useful future role for the mysticism of religion. Peterson then simply asks, “Why not?”

Atheist apologists like Harris believe the fundamental archetype that all true wisdom derives from only the facts of science. Atheism further argues that although there has been much useful ancient wisdom from historical religions, the tools of science have already extracted all of that useful wisdom from ancient religions and therefore people have no future need for religion. Furthermore, there are malevolent and therefore undesirable aspects of religious archetypes and so it is better to abandon religious archetypes.

The atheist argument is that science can measure the well-being of a moral life and differentiate a moral from an immoral life...but science cannot judge a moral life. Religions therefore believe that they still have an important future roles in judging morality along with future study of other great literature as well. After all, without moral archetypes to anchor consciousness, there is no reason or meaning for a moral versus an immoral existence. And without the continuing evolution of the ancient wisdom of morality, there are no archetypes for consciousness.

A further argument for a future need for religion is that civilization goes through periods of upset where new behaviors emerge along with a slow normalization of those new behaviors. People can easily become lost and disengaged by this renormalization of behavior during upsets without the anchors of moral consciousness. During renormalization, behaviors that were normal become abnormal and abnormal behaviors also then become normal.

Therefore it is very important for civilization to have some conservatism and only change acceptable behavior slowly enough to avoid falling into the bottomless pit of an absolute moral relativism along with the victimization of all inequality. Civilization has experienced many past episodes of violence and war that clearly resulted from upheaval and change and in particular, a dramatic change in beliefs. It is very desirable for civilization to therefore anchor human consciousness in a variety of different adaptive methods in case one of those belief archetypes changes. Different archetypes for consciousness do need to share a fundamental belief system that limits permissible behaviors and yet still gives people’s lives purpose and meaning.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Galaxy Rotation without Dark Matter

The main reason for dark matter is to explain the constant rotation of galaxy stars, which contradicts simple Newtonian gravity. Orbital velocity under just Newtonian gravity is proportional to the square root of orbital radius whereas galaxy stars tend to rotate with a constant velocity independent of their orbital radius. However, the collapse of discrete aether leads to an additional vector force for Newtonian gravity given star decay, gravitization, that couples moving star decays to each other and results in constant galaxy rotation without any need for extra dark matter. Essentially, gravitization transfers angular momentum by slowing inner bulge and accelerating outer disk stars.

Analogous to the magnetization of moving charge that is electromagnetism's vector force, gravitization is gravity's vector force. Stars radiate energy and therefore their matter decays and the product of that matter decay with the star velocity results in the additional force of gravitization. Gravitization does not need any further constants or parameters, just the simple assumption that gravitization exists is sufficient to explain the constant rotation of galaxy stars.

Moreover, when galaxy stars undergo supernova, that flare of energy results in a spike in gravitization that results in a kick in the star velocity. The outer bulge supernovas receive kicks in their rotational velocities from coupling of supernova flare with other star decays while inner bulge supernovas receive opposing kicks that retard orbital velocity.

The Milky Way supermassive black hole is about 4.1 million solar masses or about 1.6 million average stellar black holes given the lifetime of the galaxy. Since bar-spiral regions are nurseries for new stars, the bar-spiral nursery tends to stabilize the inner bulge stars into a bar. The stellar black holes in the other parts of the inner bulge, however, spiral into the center and tend to keep the bulge outside of the bar clear.

Most Type IIa supernovas become rotating neutron stars with average mass 2.2 ms and when neutron stars rotate just right, they generate pulsating radio signals called pulsars. Pulsar timing then provides many details about distance and velocity and pulsar velocities are the main evidence for the existence of supernova velocity kicks. Thus far, it is assumed that there is some kind of asymmetry in the supernova due to some combination of asymmetric mass ejection, neutrino radiation, or electromagnetism. But the source of that instability is not well understood.

Of course, discrete aether decay provides a very simple explanation for supernova velocity kick since the energy of the supernova flare results in a force that takes angular momentum from the rest of the galaxy. The the total supernova energy equivalent matter is about 0.11 ms, which is only about 16 km/s kick for a 2.2 ms neutron star as compared to the 400 km/s average kick reported. However, this initial acceleration by gravitization could then seed an instability in the mass and neutrino emission that results in the complete velocity kick.

About 1% of type II supernovas are from very large mass hypernovas and the energy released by hypernovas could accelerate the remnant neutron star by gravitization to 400 km/s and more. Once the supernova leaves a remnant larger than 2-3 ms , instead of a neutron star, a black hole results. Gravitization will result in reduced kicks for outer bulge large mass supernovas as well as less retardation for inner bulge supernovas.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Four Meditations of Free Choice

Here are four meditations about the nature of free choice that show that we are all outcomes of the universe because our precursors are in the discrete action of discrete matter. We make the free choices that we make because of how we feel about ourselves, others, and the universe... and the universe action is our progenitor father and the universe matter is our progenitor mother. We first experience the pleasure of discovering that universe as small children and that continued discovery gives meaning and purpose to us all as well...

Father, please reveal the universe to me and let me experience the wonders of your creation. From the first light of the CMB creation, we were all born out of creation's first light, which continues to shine on us today. Through the dark times following creation until the first stars and galaxies, we discover the wonder of an increasing order for the ever expanding possibilities of our shrinking universe.

Mother, thank-you for your gifts of air, food, drink, shelter, and your Earth we all share. You have made these gifts possible by the growing order of our sun and earth as your shrinking self.

Thank-you for the outcomes that we share with others from the increasing order of the outcomes of each action of shrinking precursor matter.

Heavenly Father and Earthly Mother, help guide me in feeling the pleasure of discovering desirable outcomes with others with the precursor emotion of pleasure. Help me reduce anxiety over undesirable outcomes, have joy and reduce misery, have compassion and reduce free choice, find serenity and reduce anger, and feel pride and reduce shame.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Causal Set Discrete Aether

Causal sets of discrete action as photon exchange bind all discrete matter as either charge or gravity. At the microscopic scale, photon exchange binds charges into a single state while at the macroscopic scale, biphoton exchange binds gravity matter with a large degeneracy of states.
The primordial shine of the cosmic microwave background, the CMB creation, represents the ultimate glue of gravity biphoton exchange that binds the universe together as both charge and gravity. Each atom of matter today is a result of the emission of light from charge bonds and others in the universe see our shine and we see their shine. That shine exchange binds us together even when we do not know the others that see our shine...

Friday, March 9, 2018

Causal set quantum gravity as discrete aether...

Causal set quantum gravity supposes a discrete universe made up of very small granules and those granules seem a lot like discrete aether, which is 8.68e-69 kg and 1.2e126 discrete particles make up the universe today. The axioms of these granules are that they act on each other in ways that are transitive, non-circular, and finite. Time and space in a granulated universe are not continuous but rather time and space simply emerge as continuous interpolations of the large numbers of discrete actions of discrete granules.

The prescription of a Hamiltonian to a causal set is complicated by the lack of a continuous space or time variables in the granulated universe. The dynamics of a causal set come from parental actions that occur between causal subsets of particles that lead to progeny and from those family histories then emerges what we call space and time. Thus, by its very definition, a causal set is always changing and today, the universe of discrete matter decays just as it's discrete actions grow.

The dimensions of discrete matter and action form step operators of both anti-commuting and non-commuting conjugate Hilbert spaces and therefore form a density matrix with a quadratic Hamiltonian. The Hamiltonian factors into an anti-commuting spin = 2 gravity and a non-commuting spin = 1/2 charge operators and so the granulated universe unifies charge and gravity.

Although the notion of a granulated universe has been around since 1991 (Sorkin 1991), it has not really received a very wide acceptance by many in mainstream science. Although causal set granulation does formulate a quantum density matrix for gravity, the granulated quantum gravity has not yet resulted into any further insights into the conundrums of gravity. Just as the quantization of electromagnetic fields resolved the singularities of quantum charge, granular quantum gravity does remove the singularities of gravity, i.e., black holes.

The gravity of a black hole deflects and blue-shifts light as the figure shows. The skimming light exchanges momentum with the black hole but if the light skims closer than about a wavelength to the event horizon during its journey, that light phase entangles the black hole phase at the two points shown and the photon gains energy but is not absorbed. This phase entanglement means that the states and entropy of the black hole are now in a superposition of light states with those in spacetime.
Quantum gravity transforms the black hole singularity of relativity into a phase transition between the ordinary granulation phase of aether that emerges as continuous space and time and light with matter into an extraordinary granulation phase of a causal set of entangled discrete matter and action in cosmic time. Unlike granulated propagation of information in relativistic space and atomic time, the transitive granules of a black-hole causal set percolate information with the entanglement of matter and action in the very slow cosmic time without space and atomic time. Essentially, it appears to observers in space and atomic time that the black-hole information is all at the black-hole surface and that the black-hole information entangles light holographically only at the surface.

The black-hole surface represents a phase boundary between light, which is the action of matter, and the black-hole matter and actions that exist as transitive, non-circular, and finite granules. The notion of a granulated black hole is also consistent with the holographic principle, which supposes that black holes preserve information as a hologram on their surfaces.

The entanglement of light's quantum phase stores quantum information in space and time and the entanglement of action's quantum phase stores information for black-hole granules.

Causal Sets: Discrete Gravity, Sorkin

Causal sets and the deep structure of spacetime, Dowker 2008

A Classical Sequential Growth Dynamics for Causal Sets, Rideout and Sorkin, 2004

Entanglement Entropy in Causal Set Theory, Sorkin and Yazdi, 2018

Discrete Aether and Action as Fundamental

FQXi Discrete Aether and Action as Fundamental

Saturday, March 3, 2018

The unknowable mystery of quantum phase

Understanding quantum phase and its decoherence or decay are very important for understanding the mystery of our microscopic quantum reality, but the mystery of quantum phase does not play much of a role in how things happen in our macroscopic reality. This is because by the time macroscopic things happen, quantum matter phase coherence has usually decayed or collapsed into classical reality.

Macroscopic gravity particles in general relativity have the property of mass but do not have the property of phase. However, quantum particles have both the properties of mass and quantum phase, which means that quantum matter periodically goes out of and comes back into existence with a complementary spin. There is then a perpetual cycle of matter oscillation that defines the quantum mystery of existence and relativistic gravity is simply missing this oscillation of matter.

Classical science and relativistic gravity define existence as unchanging matter moving along determinate paths in space and time. The classical determinate path of a particle with relativistic gravity does not change unless acted on by some other force. Quantum science, though, defines existence as a perpetual matter action or oscillation that never stops and so there is an inherent uncertainty in the path of every quantum particle through space...even without any other action force.

Quantum gravity has the same oscillation of matter as quantum charge, but this oscillation must always be along a determinate relativistic gravity path in space and time. This makes quantum gravity particles uncertain in matter and action, but not uncertain and therefore determinate in path. Space and time actually emerge along with the determinate path of a gravity particle from the matter and action of quantum gravity. As a result, it is matter and action that define space and time and therefore also define quantum gravity. Unlike relativistic gravity, quantum charge acts upon itself as well as upon other particles. Quantum gravity, though, is necessarily complementary and so the quantum gravity of a particle does indeed act upon itself.

Just as quantum spin represents the action of a quantum particle upon itself with photons, the spin of quantum gravity represents the action of a quantum gravity particle upon itself with biphotons. Its just that the states of quantum gravity are 1e39th power weaker than those of quantum charge. Gravity particle wavefunctions then show dispersions that span the universe and it is convenient to use biphoton exchange for gravity quadrupoles just as single photon exchanges drive charge force. There is a photon of charge exchange that binds every atom of matter and that exchange photon entangles with its complementary emitted photon from creation at the CMB.

Just as there is an uncertainty with quantum spin, there is a corresponding uncertainty with gravity quadrupole spin driven by gravity self energy. However, the complementary effect of gravity bodies on each other means that there are still determinate paths for those bodies. The complementary determinate paths of two gravity bodies, though, are still subject to uncertainties in matter and action along those paths.

It is therefore not possible to precisely measure both the matter and the action of two orbiting bodies even though it is possible to know their respective paths though space and time with arbitrary precision. It is only the noise of chaos that limits measurements of gravity paths and it is the noise of quantum phase that limits measurements of matter and action.

Perpetual photon exchange binds every atom today from the emission of a photon of light at the CMB creation when electrons bonded to protons and other matter. Those two events are entangled with each other and define the size of the universe with a biphoton gravity quadrupole. The coupling between the emission of CMB photons and the photon exchange of stable atoms is the mystery of quantum gravity. This means that gravity force depends on the size of the universe and since the size of the universe changes over time, gravity therefore also depends on time.

Typical descriptions of what is often called the mystery of quantum particle dispersion often do not include any description of phase or of phase decay. This is odd because quantum phase and quantum phase decay are really at the root of the quantum mystery. Classically, a single particle is in a knowable state even though it can be in either of two states or places. Once an observer measures that particle state, it is then certain that the particle was always in that knowable measured state even before the measurement.

A quantum particle, however, can be in a superposition of two states or places and when an observer measures the particle state, the particle collapses into just one state or place. However, the particle was perpetually oscillating and therefore was never in just one knowable state or place before the observation. Even when an observer sees a quantum particle on one path, that does not mean that the quantum particle was not perpetually oscillating. Rather it means that the quantum particle was on a superposition of both paths until the observer saw it and that quantum coherence decayed into one state.

Much quantum knowledge is therefore unknowable and therefore quantum knowledge involves both knowable classical knowledge as well as the unknowable. However, we do have a quantum intuition that also represents choices that we make by our gut or instinct. Thus, our knowledge, reason, and intuition all contribute to our wisdom and the choices that we make.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Pleasure of Discovery Is About More Than Just Science...

Popular understandings of the technical issues of science are often clouded by the language of science. The public often favors and believes in one or more popular scientists as intercessories even when those popular scientists say things that most other scientists do not agree with.

Popular scientists are now a select priesthood vetted by television, internet videos, and popular science books. It is the ultimate insult to a practicing scientists to say that that scientist's science is not science, which seems rather silly since science is really just a part of human discovery.

Suppose that a person has a hobby communicating science to others and is otherwise that person a scientist? Human discovery, after all, can take many different forms and communication of science to others is in some sense the most important part of human discovery. The pleasure of discovery is about much more than just science.

Suppose that a person only teaches science but does not actually do any that person a scientist? The ability of teaching and communicating science to a new generation is an important part of wisdom and knowledge.

Suppose that a person does industrial R&D developing and testing new that person a scientist? You is kind of nice to make a living doing whatever you decide to do...and so many different kinds of activities that comprise what people call science.

The pleasures of discovering knowledge and wisdom are fundamental and science is really only a small part of the pleasure of all of human discovery. Working scientists get paid for addressing the great questions and problems of science and one of many various sources funds their work. Likewise historians and economists and sociologists also get paid for what they do in making a more efficient economy.

Here are 5
great questions and 14 great problems for science that support many of the 14 human needs of civilization.

Great Questions for Science (Knowledge):
1)      … Nature of Matter;
2)      … Natures of Force and Action;
3)      … Natures of Intelligence and Consciousness;
4)      … Origin of the Universe;
5)      … Molecular Basis of Life.

Great Problems for Science:
1)      Curing Cancer (Health);
2)      Curing Heart Disease (Health);
3)      Curing Aids (Health);
4)      Placing People into Space (Knowledge);
5)      Reducing Energy Costs (Energy);
6)      Improving Transportation (Transportation);
7)      Cleaning Up Defense Wastes (Security);
8)      Maintaining Economic Stability (Money);
9)      Reducing Human Environmental Impact (Environment);
10)  Stabilizing Population Growth (Environment);
11)  Maintaining World Peace (Security);
12)  Maintaining National Defense (Security);
13)  Harnessing Nuclear Energy (Energy);
14)  Reducing Crime (Security).

The human needs basis divides the U.S. GDP into 14 needs and the great questions and problems for science addresses just 7 of those 14 human needs. Each human need involves a percent of the GDP ($19.5 T in 2016) as well as a percent of the need spent on extended research and development, exR&D. That is, there are many company's exR&D that improve shelter materials, which include clothing and furniture, and those efforts are not normally considered science, but rather more engineering optimization.

Human Need
DP in $B
exR&D Rank
1)      Transportation

Autos, planes, trains buses trucks, boats, roads, bridges, DMV’s, maintenance
2)      Shelter

Homes and commercial structures, clothing, furniture
3)      Health

Physicians, nurses, dentists optometrists, hospitals, pharma, hygiene
4)      Knowledge

K-12, universities, exploration, NSF, part of NIH
5)      Food

Farming, processing, grocery, agricultural chemicals
6)      Security

Police, judiciary, prisons, national guard, military, weapons
7)      Tools

Hand tools, machine tools, analytical instruments, sensors, robots, computers, software
8)      Risk

Insurance, social security, welfare
9)      Administration

Local, state, federal (does not include judiciary, police, utilities)
10)  Energy

Oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear, hydro, solar, wind, firewood, geothermal, power utilities
11)  Leisure

Parks, vacations, movies, entertainment, arts, music, religions
12)  Environment

Water, sewage, solid waste disposal, air pollution, habitat management
13)  Communication

Telephone, internet, radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, postal
14)  Money

Banks, federal reserve, stock exchanges, commodities, coinage
These human needs define what people spend their lives doing as well as comprise a spectrum within each life and people then spend on their needs. Human needs describe an economy in a way that directly links R&D to increased productivity and therefore human needs basis provides a very useful way to optimize ex R&D resources for increasing productivity. 

When civilization decides to shift more %GDP on health, the wealth necessarily must come from some other human need, such as leisure or administration, for example. Even though health is a very important human need, people really desire to spend less and not more for health. Thus health exR&D should increase productivity and reduce health spending.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Discrete Aether and Action as Fundamental

Although continuous space and time seem to be fundamental to our universe along with matter and action, space and time actually emerge from the fundamental discrete actions of a finite discrete aether. The universe of discrete quantum aether turns the universe of space and time inside out since quantum decoherence from precursors to outcome is what really drives the emergence of the order of space and time. Although mainstream science believes that both space and time expand in universe, quantum decoherence of aether shows that space and matter shrink while time and action expand into an increasing order.

Discrete Action of Discrete Aether
Discrete aether and action are the fundamental two dimensions from which all other dimensions of the shrinking universe of expanding force then emerge. Although typical observers use the continuous time and space of an expanding universe to keep track of precursor actions, enlightened source observers use the discrete action of discrete matter to keep track of precursor actions. It is from the discrete actions of discrete matter that the increasing order of a shrinking progeny of outcomes arises.

Both time and space then emerge from the causal set of increasing order of outcomes for a shrinking universe. The term aether refers to the actual fundamental particle of all granulated matter and light. It is discrete aether that is what actually makes up the granulated universe, not really space and time and both space and time emerge from an entangled causal set of aether action. For example, atomic clock actions define time with collections of discrete actions that are causal-set progeny and observers then simply believe that there exists an infinitely divisible time that has meaning in between the discrete actions of that causal-set progeny. Thus it is the belief that continuous time exists outside of the discrete actions of discrete atomic action that then defines time and observers who believe in continuous time then interpolate between those discrete events to infer a continuous time.

It is the causal set of discrete wavelengths of light that define space from the discrete actions of that light. Observers have to first of all simply believe in the existences of both matter and action and most observers then further believe in the infinitely divisible space between discrete events to keep track of matter sources even though it is from discrete events that the notions of continuous space and time emerge. Ultimately then it is the discrete diameters of atomic charge radii and their spin periods that actually define discrete space and time displacements by the discrete wavelengths of light.

Although classical knowledge about the way the world works is necessary for wisdom, there are things about the way the world works that are not knowable but rather intuitive and yet intuition is still part of wisdom. People cannot know anything more about matter and action other than to simply believe that they are the way that they are. In other words, people cannot know why matter and action are the way that they are, people can only believe that matter and action are the way that they are.

Likewise people cannot know why they are here, why they are right here right now, or why it is they and not someone else who are right here right now. Our quantum intuition is a bridge between what we can know and what we cannot ever know, the quantum unknowable.

Discrete particles along with causal-set discrete actions make up the granulated universe and observers infer that there exists both continuous space and time in between the progeny of discrete actions. The universe does not exist first of all as a continuous flow of time and and a mostly empty continuous expanding space filled with just a small amount of matter on determinate gravity paths. Rather the universe exists first of all as a very large causal set of discrete aether with a small amount of that aether condensed at the CMB creation into the progeny of matter and light that we now observe. The shrinking granulated universe of growing action is then a pulse of decaying discrete aether and growing action as shown above and it is from the action of decoherence that emerges one of the two dimensions of a continuous time.

Although action normally integrates a kinetic and potential energy difference over continuous time and space for an unbound source, quantum action is inherent in the matter-scaled Planck constant without regard to continuous space and time. The matter-scaled Planck constant integrates the energy of a timeless aether photon and it is from the decay of that aether photon that time and space emerge from the discrete action of aether. Therefore all constants of the universe emerge from just the two simple ones of aether particle mass, mae, and the matter-scaled Planck constant, hae = h/c2. The velocity of an electron spin, c/α, is constant, and it is from that radius and spin period that both space and time emerge as c and α that both actually vary slowly in cosmic time.

It is a fundamental aether decoherence that drives both charge and gravity forces in the shrinking universe. Thus this notion is subject to measurement and falsification although the decoherence rate of 8.1e-18 s-1 is still beyond current precision of science as the plot shows. This decoherence rate is simply the ratio of gravity to charge forces times the orbit period of any matter. The decoherence rate for hydrogen is = GmH2/(q2c21e-7) c/rB. As measurement precision increases more and more, science will eventually measure and therefore discover the fundamental decay and shrinkage that the figure above shows…or science will show that it is some other decay or that decay does not exist at all. The fundamental decay time and distance of aether appear to center within the current experimental bounds of continuous spontaneous localization, CSL, as the figure shows. The difference between CSL and aether decay is that aether decay and distance are constants derived from the fundamental properties of a shrinking universe and not some arbitrary CSL parameters (see Carlesso et. al, 2017).

It is the causal set of discrete actions of discrete matter that define sources for an observer and so space and time merely emerge from the causal set of discrete action of matter from electron spin. Source matter oscillates with the action of exchange just as discrete source action oscillates and decays by exchange of discrete matter. The oscillations of matter and action mean that there are corresponding amplitudes and phases for the matter exchanges of matter actions. There is a further phase relationship between the oscillations of matter and action that then defines a quantum uncertainty principle in the traditional manner except with action and matter instead of displacement and momentum. This means that there is a limit to the precision of measuring both matter and action and so the conjugate variables of matter and action conform to the notions of quantum field theory.

While quantum field theory entangles matter sources to each other with an infinity of vacuum oscillators, quantum aether action entangles the same matter sources together with a very large but finite number of aether action oscillators. Thus the spacetime quantum fields that entangle sources with each other in an expanding universe emerge from the simpler notions of the discrete aether exchange of a shrinking universe.

General relativity unites continuous space and time into gravity action that results in determinate and infinitely divisible spacetime geodesics with no inherent uncertainty.  As a result, quantum uncertainty and oscillation and phase have no meaning for the determinate and continuous geodesic paths of relativity. However, the oscillations and phases of matter action represent gravity as a series of discrete events for a very weak gravity force.

General relativity therefore unites discrete matter and action into quantum gravity action. Quantum relativity then also results in determinate geodesic paths but now it is discrete matter and action along those determinate paths that makes them discrete. The emergence of continuous space and time from collections of discrete matter actions means that sources do actually follow determinate geodesics in space and time. This is because space and time actually emerge from the collections of discrete actions that define those paths. There is still a quantum uncertainty of the collection of discrete matter and action and that uncertainty necessarily limits knowledge of mass and action along those otherwise determinate geodesic paths. Thus while a source path follows the determinate geodesic of general relativity, there are still inherent uncertainties about the matter and action along that now discrete geodesic path.

Each atom of matter at the CMB creation entangles its emitted photon and that light shines on us today and these two entangled photons make up the biphoton resonance of quantum gravity exchange. The photons of the ancient light created not only matter, but also the biphoton quantum gravity from the determinate geodesic paths of the cosmic microwave background.

In summary, for matter and action to be the fundamental things from which all else emerges, the granulated universe must be made up of a very large but finite causal set of particles called aether. Instead of aether existing in continuous space and time, though, continuous space and time both emerge as outcomes from the causal set of discrete actions and discrete aether. Since both gravity and charge derive from the decoherence of quantum aether, they become in effect scaled versions of each other and the discrete action of aether provides a fundamental causal set for a rational universe.

Experimental bounds on collapse models from gravitational wave detectors
M. Carlesso, A. Bassi, P. Falferi, A. Vinante

Here are a series of blogs with more descriptive words for the nontechnical.

Here are a series of technical papers only for those who understand the math.