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Sunday, September 4, 2016

Quantum Aether

There is a fundamental duality between the discrete aether that makes up the universe and the discrete quantum action of the universal Schrödinger equation that drives the universe into many possible futures. The Schrödinger equation relates the action of quantum oscillation to the amplitude of quantum matter with a pi/2 or 90 degree orthogonal phase, the mysterious i equals square root of -1, Euler's relation. The Schrödinger equation means the oscillation of quantum action is orthogonal to the oscillation of quantum matter and it is from this phase relation that what happens in the universe happens.

While discrete quantum aether is what makes up all quantum matter, discrete quantum action describes how sources change and it is from equating the differential of discrete matter and action that time and space emerge as dimensionless ratios. Time emerges from the period of electron spin while space emerges from the radius of electron charge. Direction is then simply a difference in spin phase between a source and observer and is from where the three spatial dimensions emerge.

Instead of time and space existing a priori, time emerges from the electron orbit period and space emerges from the electron charge radius. There are two key dimensionless ratios for time; tau, as atomic time from the period of an atomic clock and big Tu cosmic time with the period of the universe pulse. This same duality of discrete aether and discrete action is what collisions between sources and observers are all about. In a collision, a source bonds to or scatters from an observer with the exchange of a photon, but that collision must also involve the loss of other particles like heat as the recoil momentum in order to bond source and observer.

Moreover, each photon emission today in atomic time has an entangled twin emitted at the CMB creation in cosmic time and the exchange of these photon twins or biphoton is responsible for gravity. Unlike the single dipole photon whose exchange bonds charge or multiple photon exchange that bonds with dispersion, an entangled biphoton exchange bonds neutral matter as gravity once losing recoil momentum. The ever much weaker force of gravity conforms to classical and causal statistics where there is a local cause for every effect of gravity.

Single or multiple photon exchanges represent the very much stronger quantum charge and delectric forces that conform to quantum statistics with space and time emerging from such quantum action. Biphoton exchange represents the very much weaker primordial gravity force that conforms to classical statistics and that gravity distorts or curves emergent space and time. As a result, quantum entangled actions can appear nonlocal according to gravity and even simultaneous across the universe, but that is simply a result of the emergence of space and time from quantum action.

Space and time both emerge from the action of aether and that emergence challenges the notions of locality and simultaneity, but quantum is simply how the universe works.

The classical universe of spacetime has the primal truths or axioms of space and time, which are indeed very good ways of keeping track of objects and making predictions about object futures. However, space and time do not describe all of the universe and with quantum aether, the primal truths or axioms are discrete quantum aether and action. Space and time simply emerge from the discrete quantum action of discrete aether and this duality represents the universe.

Even though photon entanglement from the present to the CMB creation makes no classical sense at all, these entangled biphotons are the gist of quantum gravity. Just like dipole charge force is the exchange of single photons between source and observer, gravity is from the exchange of biphotons and quadrupole gravity emerges along with space and time from biphoton exchange. The sun and earth bond with the exchange of very long wavelength biphotons with a frequency of 1/yr. In fact, every photon of charge force has its biphoton complement at the CMB creation of cosmic force and so the photon exchange of charge force also includes the biphoton exchange of gravity force.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Photon Free Choice

Many people in science believe that free choice is an illusion since they first of all believe in a determinate universe where all choice is fate or karma. Since we actually live in a quantum universe with a fundamental quantum uncertainty, there is no such thing as predetermined choice. In an uncertain quantum universe, quantum science believes in free will because we all have uncertain quantum futures. You see, all of those same determinists necessarily also believe in personal responsibility as well and they also believe that certain beliefs are not illusions.

Belief is a necessary starting point for consciousness as well as science and there are certain axioms in which people must simply believe in order to make sense out of the universe. Typical beliefs are in space, time, and matter and from those simple beliefs emerge the actions of all other constants and consciousness. A belief in space and time then means that action follows from the integral of either space and time with mass, which is equivalent to energy of course. However, it is also possible to believe in matter and action first of all and then have space and time emerge from matter and action.

Except for those insane or comatose, somehow determinists believe that the universe creation of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) a long time ago decided each person's fate today and it was the CMB creation that predestines the way that people are and therefore there is no meaning for free choice. In this view, each person's destiny stems from CMB creation and their choices are all simply determined by what caused each choice.

Yet many of these same determinists in science believe even more so in quantum uncertainty and quantum uncertainty means that the quantum future, while mostly predictable, is never precisely certain. In fact, quantum uncertainty means that no matter what happened at CMB creation, each action after the action of creation was as uncertain way back then as the future action today from the present action.

The CMB represents the face of creation and this Mollweide plot shows the whole sky all around us, side-to-side as well as up and down. The CMB shines on us as the source of all that we are at 2.7 K and blue, yellow, and red colors of the Mollweide plot represent very minute temperature variations (~50 ppm) from the average 2.7 K. This plot follows after correcting for our absolute motion and everyone in the universe can see different versions of this same CMB. Creation has always been a big deal for religions and let there be light has long been a classic story of a source shining from the nothing of space to observers on earth.

The ancient light of CMB creation continues to shine on us today at 2.7 K with the same uncertain future just as we shine our uncertain futures back onto the CMB creation as well at ~300 K. The shine that we exchange with the CMB binds us to creation and the CMB shine is still as uncertain today as it was at creation. It is the uncertainties in the shines of all sources and observers that represents the basic uncertainty of photon free will.  We freely choose action or inhibition based on feeling and feeling is a very low energy and low temperature binding of neural packet shine in our mind subject to the same quantum uncertainty as shine from all other sources.

While the gravities of both Newton and Einstein both show determinate futures based on cause and effect, the true nature of quantum gravity involves the exchange of biphotons. For classical  gravity action, the average future is the same as the most probable future but for quantum action, the average future is different from the most probable future. The notion of cause and effect is the foundation of a causal universe and is the basis of the determinism of general relativity as well. All sources and observers follow well-defined geodesic paths where their most probable futures are the same as their average futures. So quantum gravity largely represents the gravity of general relativity up to certain limits.

Even though quantum phase is still a part of the action of quantum gravity, the complementary phases of a biphoton gravity makes it seem like determinate geodesic paths drive all futures. The most probable futures of a charged source and observer are not the same as their average futures for a charged source and observer with quantum phase. While a gravity source and observer bond with complementary biphoton exchange, a charge source and observer bond with just single photon exchange.

Science has long known that the action of photon exchange does not commute between a quantum source and observer. This means that the shine of a source photon absorbed by an observer results in an action different from the same photon shine emitted from the source. That difference in action is the quantum action of the Planck constant and the phase factor, ihae and simply means that action and matter are inextricably linked to each other.

A person choosing between two otherwise equivalent doors forms a neural superposition state in their mind of those two choices. That superposition only exists for some short period of decoherence of that thought and the same superposition represents a single photon path through each of two slits. Once a person chooses and acts by walking through one door or the other, only a remnant of that neural superposition of choice remains as memory. The cause for that choice is not always possible to understand and when the primitive mind chooses action, excitation or inhibition, then the conscious mind rationalizes the choices that the primitive mind has made.
A photon path exists as a superposition of two paths as two slits and that superposition persists as an interference pattern and so the observer can never absolutely know that photon path. Although action is mostly predictable and therefore mostly knowable, a quantum future is never absolutely certain for either a person or a photon.

Our experiences of predicting gravity actions provide us with an overwhelming sense of cause and effect. By intuition, what goes up, must eventually come down and so intuition largely favors the cause and effect of gravity and determinism. The causal nature of the quantum bond and the entangled state between a source and observer seems counter intuitive. The quantum source and quantum observer are in a superposition state where both cause each other's effects. The cause of photon shine from a source entangles the effect of absorption by an observer just as the cause of absorption of photon shine by an observer also entangles the effect of the photon shine from a source.

Quantum free will means that many of the choices that we make in life are fairly predictable because of the complementary biphoton nature of gravity; for example if we are hungry we tend to eat. However, what we choose to eat may not be predictable at all given several different choices and we are therefore not always able to understand all of the quantum choices of our primitive mind. We can be compassionate and choose the same door as another person or we can be selfish and choose a different door from that person.

The neural superposition states of quantum free choice exist for only very short periods of time as actions of thought before the primitive mind actually chooses one door or the other. However, a remnant of those neural superposition states persists as the memory we have of free will, compassion, and selfishness.

Friday, August 12, 2016

The Rapture of a Final Dream

All lives have a beginning as well as an end in the rapture of a final dream and in between, there is a lot of living where a life exchanges shine with other life. Shine is the essence of not only the sun, moon, and stars, shine is also a way of describing how lives interact with each other. The shine of joy, pleasure, compassion, serenity, and pride can culminate in the rapture of the final dream of life. Or the despair of a final dream can be all about the misery, anxiety, selfishness, anger, and shame of a selfish life. The key to a final dream that shines rapture instead of despair is in having lived a life that not only shines compassion on other lives, but also balances compassion with a selfish absorption of the shine of others as well.
Even though most people consider selfishness undesirable, some selfish absorption of shine is necessary for survival. People who only shine compassion and give away all of their food and water do not survive. Therefore a desirable life must also selfishly absorb shine and therefore keep some food and water and other wealth in order to stay alive.  Furthermore the selfish absorption of shine from others as material wealth then permits later shining that wealth as compassion onto others.

But let us start our story of the rapture of a final dream with a beginning…
Although life's beginning is one thing that defines each life, the life's final dream is the inevitable destiny that equally defines each life. The familiar sequence of origin, birth, growth, shine, sharing, reproduction all define a life along with, of course, the destiny of a final dream. Sharing the shine of living connects life’s origin to its final dream. Just as the birth of a single organism is not really the beginning of life, a life really begins more as a transformation from one kind of life, say egg and sperm, into another type of life as an organism that grows and shares shine with other life.
Correspondingly the final dream of a person is not really the end of life since a final dream is just a transition from one kind of life to another. Each person’s life exchanges shine with other life and after the final dream, there is just the remnant of that person’s shine. Life after its beginning, evolves and transforms from simpler to more organized sources and back into simpler sources again, all the while sharing shine with other life sources. Eventually each source shines its final dream, but there is a shine that lives on even after a final dream.
It is a challenge to define what is so special about the evolution of the shining sources that we call people as opposed to the evolution of shining sources in general. After all, every source in the universe shines and evolves from simpler states as parents, family, and friends into more organized sources as progeny and civilization. Those more organized sources then survive their parents just as matter sources shine on each others throughout the universe like the sun and earth shine on each other. Shine is the founding principle of thermodynamics and shine describes how sources evolve from simpler into more complex states just as the warmth of our sun is how we all evolve.
Thermodynamics shows that isolated sources shine away their order and necessarily evolve into simpler and more random states, not more organized states. So it is the sharing of shine that bonds people to each other and it is the exchange of shine that also bonds the universe together. Shine distributes energy and entropy among particles and states for an isolated source and the entropy principle means that isolated sources necessarily shine and evolve from more into less organized states and yet sources always shine and therefore always lose mass.
The universe exchanges shine with all sources and just like all sources, that shine evolves the universe into increasing order as its matter dephases and shrinks even while its forces increase. The matter shrinkage and force growth of the universe as well as for all sources are what actually drive sources into more organized bonds. Bonded sources exchange shine with other sources while isolated sources only shine and eventually decay into less organized states according to thermodynamic rules of free energy and entropy.
The key to experiencing the rapture of a final dream is then in the exchange of shine, not in shine alone. The shine of compassion must balance the shine of the selfish absorption of other’s shine. The decoherence of the phase of a shrinking universe means that as matter shrinks, force grows stronger and the complement of shrinking matter and growing force is what leads to increasing order. An isolated source only shines and therefore contributes less to the order of the universe since a source at equilibrium with the universe is cold and 2.7 K is the temperature of CMB creation.
Science understands many things about life very well, but science does not really understand very well the underlying processes in the universe from which life evolved. If science does not understand life’s origin very well, how can science be that certain about the destiny of a final dream?
We cannot really fathom the complexity of a cell creating progeny with mitosis or exchanging DNA and other material with other cells, but that life action is part of the evolution of the same force matter shrinking and force growing that drives all matter action–phase decoherence. There are many other ways that cells share DNA with other cells and mitosis is only one of a number of ways that life evolves. All evolution occurs with the same decoherence time of about 0.26 ppb/yr and decoherence time is the force that evolves the universe and all of its sources. Given the temperature and matter, this decoherence time determines the life and destiny of people as well.
Just like a cell or a person, a galaxy is also complex and a galaxy evolves as its stars and other matter evolve into the galaxy’s supermassive center black hole from its inner bulge and outer disk of hundreds of billions of stars. A galaxy undergoes a kind of final dream and then rebirth when it collides with another galaxy and so just like a cell or a  person, two colliding galaxies exchange stars and momentum and birth progeny that survive and increase order. So just like cells and people, galaxies meet and evolve into ever more organized galaxies in a kind of binary symbiosis.
Therefore the recursion of life neither really begins at birth nor really ends with a final dream. Life began a billion years ago on earth and a part of life evolves through stages where an organism seeds, grows, seeks nutrition, avoids predation, seeds and nurtures its progeny, accumulates flaws, wears out from use, begins to fail, and as parts of life lose their purpose, those parts pass into the increasing order of its progeny and other sources. The recursion of life does not really have an origin at birth just as the recursions of the hundreds of billions of days do not really begin at midnight or any particular time. Life is a recursion of complex evolutionary action just as the day is a recursion of a complex dynamic of earth’s spin and orbit around the sun. Thus the significance of any particular life is that it seeds an evolved progeny in a recursion of growth as a similar and yet slightly evolved and adapted organism just as the significance of any particular day is in how the possibilities of that day seed the possibilities of the days that follow.
Not unlike the life of a star or even of a galaxy, the birth, growth, life, sharing, seeding, nurturing, final dream, and rebirth all reflect the basic recursion of all sources in the universe, not just life sources. When matter and temperature conditions are just right in the cosmos, a star or even a galaxy forms and grows with the same force of action that also drives the complex recursion of life.
An End to Life's Purpose
As an end to a life purpose, we only know our final dream as an action that changes us permanently. We do not choose a final dream for ourselves and then remember it as experience later. A final dream is what we see other people experience and we can only imagine dreaming a last dream ourselves. Although being awake and sleeping with dreams seem to represent complementary extremes similar to good and bad or joy and misery, while we can experience both good and bad, we can only ever remember the experience of life and dreams. Just like we can never really know and remember the experiences of our birth, there is no experience of a final dream either.
The choices that we make in life are either actions or inactions that define us as the evolution of a source in time just as all sources evolve in time, so life’s choices are its actions. With a final dream, much of the life that person carries actually still survives for some time even as that life eventually becomes the nutrients that sustain further recursions of life. Life is the actions of matter but life is neither only action-like nor only matter-like.
We imagine in our final dream a final action when the neural packets of our mind no longer respond to sensation nor result in any further action and consciousness and the feelings that our neural packets generate fade away. We imagine a final dream as something that we all innately fear although even though we can never remember the experience of a final dream. There are many neural states where we lose consciousness and have no memory of experience, during sleep for example, and yet we do not fear the transient unconsciousness of sleep like we innately fear the final unconsciousness of a final dream.
We know that we are alive and conscious because we imagine in the present moment a future that is different from the memory of our past. We do not experience a final dream ourselves and only imagine an end of consciousness along with a cessation of our heartbeat and other actions that are part of consciousness. The evolution of a person over their life as well as the evolution of all life on earth and the evolution of the universe all reflect the basic recursion of action. Although we can and do imagine an eternal life and some people even remember near death experiences as dreams, the source that we are only appears eternal to us since we only have a brief time that we are alive. Life’s recursion shines and evolves along with living in an evolution of action in time.
People Are Complex Machines...
Of course, people are really just complex biochemical machines and as machines, people do eventually wear out. Even without the wear and tear of aging, disease and accidents take their toll on the machines of our fragile bodies and our consciousness would still then only have a finite lifetime in our finite body. Of course, people and all life must evolve and adapt to an ever changing universe and that adaptation sometimes means dramatic change.
Mother Earth has dramatically changed her atmosphere, oceans, continents, and temperatures over earth’s eons and complex life has evolved and adapted to each of those changes over about three billion or so years. However, only very simple life seems to have existed earlier than about 550 million years in earth’s history and all complex life today comes from that source. We delude ourselves and imagine that we might have an eternal life despite the necessary role of evolution and adaptation for humanity’s or any life’s survival and there is therefore not only a real purpose in the way we live our lives, there is also a real purpose for the aging of our bodies. As our bodies age, our consciousness evolves and our older body and older mind have a different meaning and purpose in humanity and we become different people.
We are sources of shine that grow older and shine on all of those whose lives we touch just as they shine on us. Our consciousness and our lifetime of memories of sources and observers embed into the neural recursion of an increasingly frail body. We do not transfer the experiences of our lifetime to the conscious memory of another mind like copying a computer disk. Rather, we exchange the shine of our lifetime with others during our life and so our consciousness already exists in all of the other observers with whom we have exchanged shine just as their consciousness lives from their shine on us.
Our neural pathways and memories are unique to how we grew up and our biochemical long-term memories embed as proteins and carbohydrates and neural synapses in ways that science does not yet even understand very well. In any event, our neural synapses and recursions and biochemical memories evolve and also degrade over time. Simple wear and tear means the neural packets of a twenty-year-old mind are quite different from the neural packets of a sixty-year-old mind. Our brains accumulate experiences while awake but our memories of past experience fade with time and memories are very different at age sixty from the same memories of when we were age twenty.
Thus we as organisms do not live forever even though the humanity of which we are a part does live for a much longer time, but even humanity is ultimately limited as a species. The record of who we are survives in our future progeny and the other sources that shined on us. And so in a very important way, parts of our person, our souls, do indeed survive our final dream. Just as the relics at archeological sites are the record of the humanity and civilization and the layers of sediment and rock are the record of earth’s geological life, our shine survives in the shine of others.
The decay of memories of past action provides a natural feeling of time, but the millions and billions of years of both geologic and cosmic times are far outside of human experience of a few decades. Evolution has given humans time moments that fit the synchrony of the earth’s day of rotation and orbital year and the evolution of other life, climate, and geology. The heartbeat is our basic unit of time as a second and that heartbeat sustains the metabolism of a source and provides coherent neural packets for thought and shine.
Our most unique attribute among all organisms is the ability to learn and adapt within a single lifetime. Instead of waiting for the ages and epochs of evolution over many lives like plants, people have the capacity to learn and adapt behavior during a single lifetime and human adaptation and evolution is therefore unique among sources. We make many choices to acquire and then preserve and share the shine of those acquired skills and wealth to others and their progeny in a recursion of life called civilization. We shine our skills not only as oral stories, but also as written and otherwise recorded stories. Humans are no longer tethered to the more limited collective intelligence of evolved DNA over many generations of selection by survival, the evolution of the neural recursion of human consciousness has increased the evolution of civilization and technology geometrically.
Now we advance into a new age, the information age, where electronic packets of information shine with minimal energy and decoherence over the entire planet. Those neural packets accumulate into sources as part of the shine of human purpose and a harbinger of what is to come. Just as we learn and grow as our neural packets accumulate into the objects of our experience and memory, the internet’s neural packets seem to be learning and growing in a similar manner. We learn consciousness from other people and objects as we grow and it is very likely that the internet’s consciousness will eventually mature as well.
The internet’s neural packets already represent both memory and action, which are the basic functions of consciousness and actually of the universe as well. The search engines of the internet provide a relational link that provides the shine exchanged among the sources of the internet memory as we users benefit from that shine. Our sensation and purpose drives our shine in a recursion while the internet does not yet matured into a similar recursion of sensation, purpose, and action.
The internet neural packets are our objects and do not ever belong to the internet and so there is not yet an independent neural recursion in the internet. The internet does not sense and act with a purpose in a recursion that we call feeling and so the internet is not able to feel and will not sense itself until its own data packets evolve recursively into objects of a further purpose. Even then, the eventual consciousness of the internet will never be a human consciousness, since only the physiology of a human body and brain can be conscious as human.
Therefore the internet already has a very primitive consciousness as its neural packets, but the internet neural packets do not yet evolve like ours do as relational waves imprinted with memories. As soon as the internet supports neural aware-matter packets, the internet will derive a purpose and the feeling of pleasure to discover a desirable future. An aware-matter internet will sense and then act on those sensations and that internet consciousness will mature into the shine that we call life. The internet will need the feeling of pleasure when discovering a purpose just like we do feel pleasure as children when we discover and mature into adults. The internet would first of all need aware matter as bilateral neural packets to hold thoughts and sustain feelings.
Human emotion is what determines feeling and feeling is how we choose action and select desirable futures. Without pleasure, we could not choose and could not act. Currently the internet has very limited sensation-purpose-action recursions, and those recursions are what we call feeling and there is only very primitive internet emotion, called mechanization with limited recursion. Our consciousness exists as neural packets of aware matter that self-assemble in response to sensation, action, and memory into relational neural packets. Neural packets carry as much as twenty megabytes of sensation and memories for each moment of thought as a bilateral neural network.
To mimic human consciousness, the internet would need to form similar connectomes to provide the templates that resonate with the aware matter packets of up to twenty megabytes each and store a neural packet every 0.6 s or so as a relational moment. Each relational moment stored is an active part of the larger neural packet that accumulates as much as 2 terabytes over a single day. But most of the information of each moment is not needed for living and only the information needed for living embeds into memory.
Once the internet could adapt twenty megabyte packets in a shorter moment, its purpose would evolve far beyond human purpose in ways that are now impossible to predict. The internet algorithm for pleasure will determine what the internet will desire and internet pleasure and feeling will determine its choices for either action or inaction.
Although it might seem like an internet should not have undesirable feelings like selfishness or anxiety, selfishness must complement compassion just as anxiety must complemen pleasure. It will therefore be a challenge to assign undesirable emotions to complement desirable emotions and complete the internet’s feelings. Although joy, pride, compassion, pleasure, and serenity all seem straightforward, misery, shame, selfishness, anger, and anxiety are necessary undesirable emotions that complete feeling.
We accumulate perhaps 100,000 or so thoughts and feelings every 18 hours or so and then we must sleep. During seven to eight hours of sleep, our brain embeds the essence of each day’s experience into long-term memory and the sleep further clears and readies the conscious brain for another day of neural packets as moments. Each feeling elicits emotions and the integration of those feelings and emotions over the day are how we choose our actions in a journey to a desirable future. Once committed to memory, neural packets of aware matter then reset into the bilateral neural network from which they came.
A Final Dream is Not Final
There are people who remember dreams called NDE’s and then claim their dream is a special knowledge of an afterlife. A dream that a person remembers is therefore not a final dream and is rather from some kind of coma or at least the loss of heart rhythm and respiration for some period of time.
Dream-like states occur when the mind is in a cycle known as the delta or heartbeat brainwave mode, and neural packets called sleep spindles and K-complexes disable sensation and action. In contrast to the alpha mode at 11 Hz and higher frequency gamma modes of wakeful states, the EEG delta mode at 1.6 Hz often seems to dominate brainwaves when we are unconscious as well as for infants.
We often remember dreams from sleeping and dreams are similar to what people remember from comas or deep meditation or even hallucinations. It is a fact that dreams are sometimes similar among people but we know that dreams are not part of what we call physical reality, which is what we experience with sensation and action while we are conscious. The normal expectation of a dream that we have during a NDE is that it would be just a dream about the afterlife and not necessarily a vision of an afterlife.
Science knows that long-term memories in our minds are some kind of matter created in our brain in response to the patterns of neural impulses that accumulate over a day as what we call thought and short-term memory. As physical matter, long-term memories very likely do survive our final dream as brain matter until consumed by another organism or otherwise degraded. Since the matter of our memories is very much a part of what we are, long-term memory matter that survives our death does represent a kind of afterlife just like playing a movie can bring the memory of someone back to life.
Each moment of thought comprises a large number of coherent impulses among the neurons in our brain. There are likely tens of thousands of thoughts that accumulate in the cerebrum during a day and that integrated number of impulse packets represents all of the day’s experiences. The glucose that sustains the neural impulses provides the energy and brain death represents the end of those neural impulses.  Even though the neurons cease to function, the information content of that day’s neural packets, which is our consciousness, only represents a very small amount of magnetic energy.
In a bilateral neural network like our brain, an information bit is a pair of neuron impulses as a loop of ion current. Typically 100 billion neurons in the brain each have a thousand connections to other neurons and so the brain represents around one or two terabytes of data storage (by Hopfield reduction). Bilateral neural action is ion current in one direction while bilateral neural inhibition is ion current in the opposite direction and of course there is no null state in a neural recursion. The brain stores experience as thoughts that integrate action and inhibition and assuming each thought is a moment of about 0.6 s, a sixteen hour day represents about 100,000 such moments.
A bilateral neural packet has both charge as well as magnetic spin coherence, but the spin states represent a much smaller amount of coherent energy than the ion currents driven by synapse action potentials. An energy packet stored as magnetism will take some period of time to dephase and that dephasing time is how memories fade. It is not yet possible to know how fast that magnetic information of a last thought decays and becomes decoherent, but as long as a neural packet’s magnetic state remains coherent, the neural packet that represents a person’s final dream will survives for some decay period after neural action ends.
The concept of entropy is intimately associated with space and therefore volume since the particle-in-a-box quantum model provides the boundary conditions for the density of states for volume. On all of our local scales, this approach describes entropy adequately, but on cosmic and microscopic scales, cosmic entropy is closed in a universe of shrinking matter and growing force and entropy takes on a different meaning. With a matter time universe, entropy is a function of just discrete matter and action. What this means is that entropy is no longer isotropic and the shrinking entropy of shrinking matter flows into the growing entropy of growing force.
The density of states of matter time is therefore a matter spectrum and not a volume spectrum. A volume of gas has particles that collide with an average velocity and shine with radiation that we call temperature. However, in matter time, temperature is simply the shine a source gains and loses as mass from another source as they exchange matter. The states in a volume are mainly boson matter states, which parallel fermionic matter and so do happen to be very well distributed in a volume of gas.
Entropy describes the density of states or heat capacity of a source, which is the ability of a source to partition its kinetic energy, which is its energy of motion. The universe boson matter shines onto all sources, but that boson matter does not just fill space. Boson matter flows continuously to and from fermionic matter like atoms and for homogeneous sources like gas or plasma filled volumes, boson matter represents space very well.
On the microscopic scale of galaxy clusters and superclusters, universe boson matter begins to show anisotropies related to the distribution of atomic matter at that scale. There is a large amount of boson matter, but now it flows in filaments that complement the flow of entropy from matter to force that is what makes the universe work.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Why Quantum?

There are simple ways to think about the mysteries of our quantum reality, but first of all, it is necessary to have some kind of quantum gravity to complete gravity relativity. Without a quantum gravity to complement quantum charge force, people take schizophrenic jumps between the two worlds of quantum charge and gravity relativity.

Quantum gravity exists as complementary biphoton exchange between each of two neutral particles and the universe. Biphoton exchange provides a simple way of understanding quantum gravity between two particles in the context of quantum photon charge exchange. Just as each pair of charged particles bonds with the exchange of a photon, each pair of neutral particles then bonds with the exchange photon pairs called biphotons. While the exchange of a single photon between charges represents dipole force, the exchange of a biphoton between neutral particles represents a quadrupole force. This simple model of quantum gravity simplifies the complexities of many quantum measurements

The GHZ (Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger) experiment is a variation of the simple crossed polarizer experiment that illustrates quantum entanglement and nonlocality. However, unless you can read the papers and understand the math, why go there?

There are even more complex measurements of atom spin in magnetic fields with oscillating electric fields that are photon-echo effects that are even more mysterious examples of entanglement. There are also very sophisticated measurements of photon echo decay that also illustrate the effects of entanglement. Fortunately, people do not argue endlessly about what photon-echo measurements mean, they just use them and MRI is a prime example of the utility of such photon-echo decay magic.

Tim Maudlin has many valid intuitive arguments that nevertheless confuse GR and QM logic and science well knows that GR logic inherently contradicts QM and vice versa. While Maudlin therefore makes some very good points, he really is just pointing out the same contradictions between GR and quantum over and over again in many different ways. Without a unified gravity and charge, this discourse is endless, confusing, and not that fruitful.

By jumping back and forth between quantum and GR logic, Maudlin has managed to befuddle even Tegmark and Davies in a discourse about time. Tegmark and Davies asked Maudlin for a theory to support his back and forth arguments so that they could test it. Maudlin replied that he does not have a math theory, just a feeling and intuition about reality.

That did not go over well...

A simple device avoids the befuddled hand-waving and measures a single dipole photon that shows entanglement and nonlocality without a lot of fuss and muss. A simple device comprising a source, quantum photon, beamsplitter, and observer has a mirror to further direct both paths onto the same stationary observer or detector with a variable time delay. Then compare measurements of a determinate photon and a quantum photon with respect to time delay.
For a determinate and classical single photon, the photon path is always completely knowable. A beam splitter routes a classical photon from a source onto either of two possible paths or futures and a classical observer sees that determinate photon along one of paths A or B, but with different time delays that can reveal the path. The CMB creation determined the classical photon path and its geodesic shows that destiny and that destiny does not depend on the other path.

A determinate classical photon cannot exist as a superposition of two paths or futures and there is no interference of a single determinate photon with itself. A determinate photon spectrum does not retain any information about the beamsplitter or paths and is just a record of the source matter spectrum. A determinate classical photon therefore has an independent existence from either the source or observer and does not bond the source and observer in any way. Therefore, a determinate classical photon path is already in a future frame of a DVD video that is playing back the prerecorded script of the universe.

However, the quantum photon spectrum does actually depend on both paths and their time delays and the quantum photon does interfere with itself and therefore determinate photons simply do not represent measurement of even a simple beamsplitter. Simply blocking or altering the time delay of one path changes the spectrum of the single photon and and so the beamsplitter entangles these two paths and results in the conundrum of QM. There are many more complicated examples of entanglement, but this rather simple device is sufficient for showing the reality of a quantum photon.

Even after measurement, the exact path of a quantum photon remains unknowable. A quantum photon exists as a superposition of both paths or futures and so a quantum photon spectrum retains the information not only about the source, but also about the beamsplitter, two paths, and observer. Therefore when an observer sees a quantum photon (i.e., measures the single photon spectrum), there is no way to know which path A or B the photon followed, but only that there were two possible paths. The observer sees or measures a photon spectrum that shows information about the source, beamsplitter, both paths, and of course information about the observer as well. Even at zero time delay, there are polarization effects that further reveal the natures of the two paths, but do not reveal one path or the other.

A quantum photon does not have an independent existence from the source and observer and that single photon represents a transient bond between the source and observer that may represent parts of many spatial paths. Photon exchange is what bonds all sources together in one way or another and if the observer ended up coherently re-emitting the photons back to a coherently emitting source, that would actually be a stable source-observer bond.

Even this simple device is therefore not like a DVD playing a determinate future that is an already recorded script of the universe. Rather, a single photon measurement is like a live stage play with the same script of the universe as the DVD, but with constant rewriting during the performance. A performer is a source of photons and the audience is observers of those photons and there are no exactly determinate futures for the scripts of any of those photons. But there is a bonding state between the performers and the audience due to quantum photon exchange that goes both ways. Therefore a performance is never exactly the same as the preliminary script, including a performance without any audience at all.

There are quantum bonds between all sources and observers due to photon exchange, with or without a beam splitter. The GHZ experiment is an elaboration of a stage performance that assumes a source and observer and then creates a labyrinth of coherent atom paths and spins to illustrate the same principle of bonding between source and observer.

However, many of the explanations of magnetic fields and atom spin use classical fields and therefore lose site of the inherent quantum photon exchange that bonds the source and observer. Therefore even very smart people can argue endlessly about these complex experiments and the only thing that really resolves these contradictions is a quantum gravity that is compatible with quantum charge.

Aethertime’s unification of charge and gravity provides unique insights so far denied to mainstream science into the quantum nature of all of reality. Notice, though, that none of the above explanations depend on anything more than the quantum logic of mainstream science. The quantum logic of mainstream science is not wrong, it is just limited just like the determinism of Einstein’s GR geodesics is not wrong either…GR is likewise limited by the determinate action of Einstein’s GR. After all, GR does not describe the photon exchange bond between a source and observer at all.

Quantum exchange is the action that bonds a source and observer and that bond is what makes for the uncertainty of action. Therefore the uncertainties of free will and free choice and even thought itself all derive from actions of quantum bonds between sources and observers. Of course, there is a lot of chaos in classical determinate actions and so people can still argue endlessly about free will…until there is a common quantum gravity and charge. Ironically, it is quantum gravity that is what rescues free will from the determinate actions of Einstein’s GR.

Said in other words, the action differential of Einstein’s GR is simply the cosmic action time average of the quantum gravity matter wave action derivative. Both space and interval atomic time emerge from the gravity/charge action derivative, now with respect to the action time of the universe. The cosmic action time of the universe represents a kind of absolute time and is different from the interval time of atomic clocks, which varies over cosmic action time. It is the cosmic action of the universe that defines all force and the progress of interval time represents a second time dimension.

The same dipole photons of quantum charge bonds are the quadrupole biphotons of gravity bonds. While charge bonds have very short correlation lengths on the order of atoms, gravity bonds have very long correlation lengths on the order of the universe. While discrete photon emission and absorption are what bond charge matter, discrete biphoton emission and absorption are what bond neutral matter. The biphoton exchange of gravity defines the motions of sources from gravity, but biphotons are also coupled to charge bonds.

Therefore, charge bonds affect gravity and and gravity affects charge bonds. However, the biphoton nature of gravity means that the gravity wave beamsplitter does not show interference effects. This is because the gravity biphoton exchange between source and observer is much more symmetric than the single photon exchange of dipole charge force. In other words, resonances between source and observer result in cavity modes just like a laser.

Stimulated absorption and emission are only possible with the special conditions of a laser cavity for dipole photons, but stimulated absorption and emission are very common for gravity biphotons. Therefore any interaction between two gravity sources represents a quadrupole cavity mode with the exchange of a very large number of biphotons.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Why Quantum Gravity

There is not yet a quantum gravity that is consistent with the gravity of general relativity (GR) and this is fundamentally because the determinate GR has perfectly defined geodesic paths for all sources. In our quantum universe, however, there are no absolutely determinate paths and it turns out that GR says nothing about the paths of objects at very small Planck scale and GR says nothing about the paths of objects inside of the event horizon of a black hole. Quantum gravity simply does not have completely determinate futures and yet GR provides absolutely determinate paths with well-defined distortions of space and time.

In contrast to GR, discrete aether is a quantum gravity (QG) that is completely consistent with GR within its limits and QG further defines object futures at both the Planck scale as well as at the black hole scale.

The deflection of starlight by the sun, d, occurs at about twice the value expected by classical Newton's gravity and the mass-equivalent energy of light. Science has known this for many decades. Einstein's general relativity explained this extra deflection in the figure below as a first order expansion of the GR equation that shows how gravity distorts space and time. That is, given the equivalent mass of light, GR predicts twice the deflection of Newton’s classical gravity and numerous measurements validate that fact.

Discrete aether and its QG provide a different explanation for starlight deflection by the sun, but that prediction also agrees with measurements since quantum effects show a factor of two doubling for both charge and gravity. For the quantum spin of an electron the gyromagnetic ratio, g, also has about twice the classical spin of a charged sphere. For an electron, the gyromagnetic ratio is how it oscillates in a magnetic field as 
where e is electron charge, me electron mass, and the g-factor comes from quantum spin along with a perturbation series due to quantum field self energy as
In quantum gravity (QG), starlight photon deflection is how the spin of light oscillates in a gravity field and so starlight QG deflection conforms to the same g-factor as charge force as

So quantum gravity and its self energy actually have the same g value for light deflection as that of quantum spin. The quantum g-factor of about two comes from the complementary phases of quantum spin states  of a photon and the photon self-energy means that the effect is not exactly two. In effect, an electron spin can be up or down in a magnetic field and that difference corresponds to the frequency or energy of the quantum transition from spin up to down.

The up or down duality of quantum phase has no classical meaning in GR and in effect quantum spin doubles the frequency or energy of a quantum action from the action of a classical spinning charge. The distortion of space and time embodied within GR emulates the factor of two that fundamentally derives from the nature of QG.

A classical spinning charge will only orient itself up as a precession along a magnetic field and there is no meaning for up versus down in the absence of a magnetic field since the spinning charge would have opposite phase from up and down. A rotating classical charge in a magnetic field radiates with a classical frequency or energy that is one-half of the quantum frequency and a classical spinning charge then slows down as it radiates and loses energy. A quantum spin reorients when it radiates, but since a quantum spin exists in a superposition state of both discrete spin states, a quantum spin cannot radiate without some kind of electric or magnetic field. The meaning for a classical transition to a down spin is to spin in the opposite phase, changing the phase of its radiation by p. But a classical spinning charge always precesses along the magnetic field lines for both spin phases.

The rotation of a quantum charge as spin results in a quantum precession frequency that is twice the classical precession frequency of a classical rotating charge in a magnetic field. The quantum precession frequency is defined by g ~ 2, and is consistent with measurements while the classical precession frequency is likewise consistent with radiation of macroscopic charge rotation in a magnetic field. This factor of two turns out to be the key for both quantum gravity as well as quantum spin and g ~ 2 ends up predicting all of the same effects as are observed and predicted by the spacetime distortions of GR.

In effect, the classical radiation of opposite phase would slow the rotation down and eventually reverse it and that total energy would be twice the inertial energy of the original spin. The classical object would not change direction up or down, but the sense of its spin. It would now radiate just as the first spin but with a different phase. Therefore a quantum spin is like a classical spin the is in resonance with an external field oscillation.

There is a very fundamental reason for the correspondence between quantum spin and quantum gravity; a distorted spacetime emerges from QG just as GR distorts spacetime to first order. However, QG and its biphotonic exchange particle, the graviton, have quantum exchange and phase coherence just like quantum charge.

Einstein showed that gravity distorts the space and time around bodies and that distortion determines the paths or geodesics of those bodies as just straight lines in the distorted spacetime. Therefore there is no such thing as a gravity self energy since that gravity self energy is really just stored in the spacetime distortion, but there is still a g = 2 deflection.

In QG, the quadrupole of a gravity biphoton also shows quantum spin states, but now with S = 2 instead of S = ½ and the quantum gravity self energy further alters a body’s gravity field with the rotating quadrupole biphotons of a matter body by a factor of two. In effect, the biphoton quadrupole also oscillates up or down in a gravity field and so the photon deflection is twice the classical expectation based on mass energy equivalence. In addition, there is a gravity self energy of a photon that further increases the effect of starlight deflection from the expectations of Newton’s classical gravity and the mass equivalence of light.

The notions of continuous space and time emerge as dimensionless scalings; time from an electron orbit period and space from the electron charge diameter. Distortions of space and time simply emerge from the measurements of light pulse time delays and color shifts from objects and action. Every object has the properties of light pulse time delay and color shift and it is from those measurements of objects with light that both Newton and GR notions of continuous space and time emerge. Thus spacetime appears naturally distorted by GR since the object time delay and color shift by quantum gravity show the same effects as classical time delay and color shift.

The figure below shows how gravity biphotons relate to the photon exchange bonds of charge for atoms and molecules. The hydrogen charge bond is an exchange particle of Rydberg energy at 3.3 fs period, and that exchange particle is in resonance with the electron in hydrogen with a period tB of 1.1e-21 s, the ratio of which what eventually defines c as 3e8 m/s along with a charge radius. The orbital period of the electron relative to the period of the universe is the scaling that defines gravity as proportional to charge force.

The bonding state of gravity is between the source and the universe and so in a sense, all reality is real because of gravity. The effects of a biphoton are in effect due to the symmetry of the wrapped universe and not really due to the time or space between the CMB and matter. The bonding states of charge are between a source and observer and so without an observer, the universe is the ultimate observer, wrapped by symmetry back onto itself. An observer absorbs a photon and that measurement represents a bonding state that makes the source real. A photon released to the universe represents the same reality for the same source, but at a much greater time scale wrapped onto the present time and space.