It is useful to ask what free choice is like in terms of the aethertime axioms of matter, time, and action. Since free choice involves the matter of memory as well as the neural recursion of sensation-feeling-action, we conclude that free choice is very time-like. The definition of any of the trimal beliefs are only in terms of other trimals and time is therefore the quotient of matter and action. Just as the ticks of a clock as action evolve the position of the hands of a clock, time is both action and the matter of a clock's memory.
Free choice is therefore quite simply the memory of our neural recursion of sensation-feeling-action that we call experience. Of all the functions of free choice, then, feeling and emotion are the most specific to human biology. There may be an algorithm that is similar to human feeling and emotion, but without the biology of human feeling and emotion, the free choice of that algorithm will not be human.
We accumulate sensations with receiver organs and those sensations go through various sensory areas of our brain into the recursion layers of our cerebral cortex. All of this neural processing is quite complex and not always very well understood. One proposition is that our sensations disperse into the folded matter sphere that represents reality in our brain and those neural impulses are the superposition of each object's possibilities.
A neural recursion shown in the figure below complements an object's reality and shows how feeling binds sensation to an action in a neural recursion that we call experience. With our feeling, which is a recursion of an object's possibilities with a sensation, we select a possible future and then choose actions to journey to that future.
In matter time, there are two complementary representations for reality with the first one showing reality as objects on Cartesian time trajectories and is a particle-like reality. Our neurons are objects in Cartesian space since we imagine those objects either stationary, moving, or changing in some way.
A second and complementary representation for an object, though, is as a matter spectrum of all of an object's possible futures. This relational reality is less intuitive and is a kind of holographic version of a wave-like reality that is more difficult to imagine. Instead of neurons as Cartesian objects, neurons are defined by the relationships that they have with other neurons.
Our perceptions of objects come from sensations of a select few of an object's possibilities and not from an object's actual Cartesian trajectory in time. An object's Cartesian reality actually exists only as we project the actions of objects onto trajectories in time.
Any journey that I choose becomes an object trajectory in time. While I only perceive the possibilities of other objects, I journey in time as an object. At each moment, my body as an object is equivalent to a superposition of all possible futures determined by my relations with other objects. Each possible future represents what I might become during that moment as opposed to what I actually do become. Although I can normally predict my future reasonably well, any prediction of my future is always subject to some level of uncertainty.
That uncertainty is the result of the bonding relationship between a sensation and action that the reality-possibility neural recursion mediates and as the diagram shows. A neural quantum is the basic particle that binds our mind and all minds, like hydrogen is bound to the sun by gravity, like the stars are bound to a galaxy, like the galaxies are bound to the universe, a neural quantum is the fundamental particle of our neural universe, our mind.
Some portion of the integration of all neural particles with sensation and action is what we call free choice, neural packets. The interaction of the packets of our neural recursion with the trajectories of our physical universe is what we call reality and is reminiscent of the mind-body duality of Descartes. However in this neural recursion our free choice is not a different object, a mind, but rather a complementary form of reality and therefore the mind does not really exist separately from the body or physical universe.
In fact, the same quantum equation is the basis of both complements. The organization of our neural universe and its plasticity, its ability to restructure itself with recursion, represents our mind. In effect, each of us carries our own universe around with us and the choices we make and the actions we choose alter that neural universe along with our physical universe.
It is no mistake that this diagram resembles those of particle physics, so-called Feynman diagrams. Correspondingly, there is a Schrödinger equation that follows directly from that diagram. This quantum of free choice free choice represents mathematically the connection or nexus between the physical universe and the complementary neural universe.
This equation represents the binding of a neural quantum as a matter defect, mR, just as the Rydberg energy is the binding energy of the hydrogen atom and the gravitational Rydberg energy is the binding energy of gravitational force.