Discrete aether quantum gravity between two bodies involves the photon exchange bonding of each body to the universe mass shell as the figure shows. Instead of gravity being a primary gravity field between bodies, aether quantum gravity is instead a residual force that emerges from the electromagnetic dispersive dipole-induced-dipole bonding of each body to the universe mass shell. When the two bodies orbit, like two blackholes or any two bodies, the rotation of their complementary binding photons results in emission of quadrupole radiation. The equation for discrete aether quantum gravity radiation is then the same as for quadrupole emission of gravity relativity. This shows that gravity relativity is completely consistent with the the quantum gravity of discrete aether.

The quadrupole radiation of a gravity orbit is inherently electromagnetic photon exchange in discrete aether and so there is no need for gravitons different from photons in discrete aether. Relativistic gravity radiation is then a dark radiation from discrete aether quadrupoles that have their dipole fields spread over the whole universe. This is because the complementary dipole photon separation for the quadrupole is on the order of the radius of the universe, 7.4e25 m.
The quadrupole radiation of a gravity orbit depends on its mass gradient, (m/a)5, as well as, to a lesser extent, the eccentricity of its orbit, ϵ. Spherical orbits have ϵ = 0 and so a rotating binary of equal masses has a simple expression where gravity radiation goes as the fifth power of its mass gradient.
For two orbiting bodies of very different masses like the
Sun and Mercury or the stars of a galaxy, the expression becomes
For two radiating and orbiting bodies like a binary star of
equal masses, there is an additional vector gravity term that is the ratio of
radiation and relative velocity.
Table 1 shows characteristic dipole and quadruple emissions of the orbits of Sun-Mercury, Milky Way stars, blackhole merger, and the Sun in the Milky Way.
Mercury has the largest eccentricity of any planet in its orbit with the Sun and the perihelion advance of Mercury has long validated Einstein’s relativity. Mercury’s perihelion advance is a result of gravity quadrupole radiation as Table 1 shows that decays its orbit and increases its velocity.
The emission of 5.2e-15 kg/s gravity quadrupole results in the Mercury orbit decay that is the perihelion advance. Since the same quadrupole emission occurs for discrete aether, the Mercury perihelion advance also validates discrete aether.
The Milky Way galaxy has a dipole luminosity of 4.3e19 kg/s, which is 1e10 x the Sun luminosity and due to its 2.5e11 stars. The gravity quadrupole Milky Way luminosity is much smaller at 1.3e15 kg/s than the dipole luminosity, but the much larger dipole luminosity also results in a quadrupole luminosity of 1.4e14 kg/s. This 13% increase in gravity wave emission decays all star orbits and therefore increases their orbital velocities just like the perihelion advance of Mercury.
The merger of two 6.0e31kg blackholes over 0.25 s results in quadrupole emissions of 3.0e29 kg/s at 1% of the total mass loss of the event. The onset of the inspiral occurs at r = 7.6e12 m, which is the point when the quadrupole radiation is just 1% of the total. There is also dipole emission from gravitation, but that emission is spread all over the universe.