Newton was the first to accurately predict gravity motions of the sun, moon, and planets and Newton’s predictions assumed space was absolute and filled with a luminiferous aether. In addition, Newton’s predictions assumed time was the independent of velocity and gravity, which of course Einstein showed is not true. Mainstream science now also rejects Newton’s notion of aether and since Einstein, science also accepts that time slows and space shrinks with increasing velocity and gravity.
Now, Newton’s aether returns in matter action but aether action does not then fill space. Rather, space and time emerge from aether action and so space and time are not axiomatic in matter action. The ancient archetypes of space and time seem so self evident and undeniable and yet space and time are really just convenient shortcuts for consciousness. Matter and action are the axioms upon which existence itself and even consciousness emerge even though it is very hard to imagine a world starting with only matter and action without the primacy of space and time...but such a world does indeed exist.
Although ancient narratives describe the world in many different contexts, ancient narratives often include notions of a smallest particle filling all of space...aether. Up until Einstein, aether was a very popular working fluid for the universe and aether filled all space as the medium for the changes of gravity and charge. Even though Newton’s gravity seemed to act through space without any aether, Newton always presumed that gravity was somehow still based on an aether filled space.
In fact, Newton’s motion of light through space depended on his luminiferous aether and so the speed of light should depend on motion through aether as well. Western alchemy filled all space with aether as the fifth element that often complemented earth, fire, water, and air. However, in the Eastern alchemy, the essence qi filled the heavens and was never an Eastern element of the five Feng Shui elements of earth, air, wood, metal, and fire. However, the Eastern qi was still the essence of heaven and so complemented the elements of the world below heaven.
Thus the archetypes of both Western aether and Eastern Qi both filled similar needs in the Western and Eastern narratives as a universal medium for microscopic action. There must be something to fill space since a truly empty void seemed incomprehensible. In order to move, there must be something to push against like walking on ground and so light’s motion must push against aether. Although mainstream science avoids the aether or Qi narratives, science narratives do now fill space with vacuum oscillators and Higgs bosons. Light, you see, moves by hopping through space by means of a large number of vacuum oscillators and so Newton’s aether has returned to science. While mainstream science well accepts the different notions of discrete vacuum oscillators and Higgs bosons, there is no corresponding notion yet like discrete aether action.
Aether action has precursors and outcomes for change and so aether action represents a causal set of precursors and outcomes without space and time. Instead of filling the universe with an infinity of vacuum oscillators as a basis for change, the universe of aether action is a finite causal set of aether actions. Instead of matter and light existing in space and time, space and time emerge from the precursors and outcomes of matter action.
Mainstream science accepts gravity relativity even though gravity relativity is not consistent with the quantum charge narrative of discrete action. This inconsistency is because gravity relativity depends on the existence of continuous space and time independent from matter and action. The matter action of gravity relativity shapes space and time while quantum matter action does not affect space and time at all. In fact, precursors and outcomes of quantum matter action do not depend on either space or time.
Thus, space and time are not consistent with any kind of unification of gravity and charge, but rather unification is only possible with the conjugate dimensions of matter and action instead of space and time. Discrete matter and action along with quantum phase then represent the changes with both gravity and charge and so quantum aether action is a narrative that does unify gravity and charge. Quantum aether action does mean that there is an important distinction between the slow changes of the universe and the very fast changes of atoms. While the very slow changes in the universe represent quantum gravity as biphoton exchange, the very fast changes of atoms represent quantum charge as single photon exchange.
In space and time, the speed of light limits the fast changes of charge action and the progressive galaxy red shifts represent the very slow changes of gravity in an expanding universe. Light is made up of particles of pure aether phase whose frequency is proportional to energy with the Planck constant and therefore proportional to matter with the speed of light squared. In addition, electrons and protons are also made up of particles of pure aether action, aether that was frozen at creation into the atoms of existing matter.
The limit of discrete matter action for fast change is an action constant,
hae=h/c2, the matter scaled Planck constant along with the limit of matter as the smallest particle,
mae, aether. Once again, progressive galaxy red shifts represent the very slow changes of gravity in a shrinking universe. The aether particle is that fraction of the hydrogen atom stabilization that is due to gravity and aether is slowly decaying just as hydrogen stabilization grows. Both of the matter action constants are then also space time constants, but mainstream science has a plethora of other constants as well. For example, proton and electron masses are both space time constants, but simply emerge from the discrete matter action nature of the universe collapse. The aether period,
Tae=hae/mae, is 13.4 Byr and is simply the antiverse/universe pulse period and therefore also the time width of every aether particle. Thus the mass of the aether particle and the size of the universe determine the stabilization energy of the hydrogen atom.
The time width of atomic action is the period of electron spin, which emerges from the spiral collapse of aether at creation into electrons and protons. Electron and proton masses both emerged when force growth from matter collapse stabilized hydrogen at creation by freezing a very small fraction of total aether into observable matter at creation. The first light of creation continues to bathe us in the warm glow of the cosmic microwave background of deep space that completely surrounds us.
Photons are the glue that binds the universe together with matter, action, and phase. A photon is an aether time pulse with a spectrum of frequencies and phases. Each photon has a matter spectrum that comes from the action of atomic matter as an action through space and time. A photon frequency spectrum emerges from its matter spectrum along with a polarization or spin = +/-1. A single photon polarization can be linear, circular, elliptical, or anywhere in between and even unpolarized. However, an unpolarized single photon still has the property of polarization or spin as a random superposition of phases.
An electron binds with a proton to stabilize a hydrogen atom by the exchange of a binding photon and complementary emission of another photon. The electron and proton each have polarization or spin = ½ and so an electron spin can exist as +½ or -½ or anywhere in between and even unpolarized, just like a photon. In fact, the hydrogen atom has a spin = 1, but now as -1, 0, +1 and unlike a photon, has a spin = 0 state when the electron and proton spins are antiparallel.
Each hydrogen atom bonding photon has a complementary emitted photon from its CMB creation. The complementary emitted photon is what binds the hydrogen atom to the universe and represents gravity as well as the size of the universe at creation. The gravity biphoton or graviton has a spin = 2 and complementary graviton exchange is the bond of quantum gravity. Each graviton particle mass is a very small fraction, 1e-39, of the stabilization mass of hydrogen scaled with the size of the universe.
While a single photon has both matter and action spectra, a graviton exchange is always complementary. This is because a quantum graviton exchange is always a superposition of complementary action spectra from its biphoton complements that always result in a single mass and not in a mass spectrum. This means that the graviton as a biphoton exchange is not subject to the same quantum uncertainty principle as a single photon.
Thus, the matter action of quantum gravity exchange shows the symmetry of monopoles and quadrupoles instead of the asymmetry of single photon dipoles. This means that quantum gravity matter and action are antiparallel and so anticommute in contrast to quantum charge matter and action, which are orthogonal and so do not commute at all. While both space and time emerge from the action spectra of quantum charge, the null action spectra of quantum gravity are always complementary. It is ironic, then, that it is atomic quantum matter action that shapes space and time and so quantum graviton exchange simply conforms to the space and time of quantum charge.
Gravity relativity shapes space and time because increasing velocity dilates space and time. In gravity relativity, there is no absolute space and time, only relative space and time. Because light is an oscillation from which space and time emerge, the speed of light does not depend on relative velocity. However, matter and action do both increase with increasing relative velocity. So increasing velocity actually emerges from increasing matter and action. Impulse in space and time comes from the release of potential energy as kinetic energy, and so impulse emerges from the quantum matter action of potential matter becoming kinetic matter.
In matter action, Newton’s aether returns with a narrative of discrete quantum matter action for our very, very large but finite universe. Matter action shows gravity relativity as a consequence of the light emitted at creation subsequent biphoton or quantum graviton exchange. Matter action also shows quantum charge as a consequence of single photon exchange consistent with mainstream science. Since the standard model of nuclear physics is already consistent with quantum charge, matter action is now a completely consistent narrative for physical reality.