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Sunday, March 18, 2018

Four Meditations of Free Choice

Here are four meditations about the nature of free choice that show that we are all outcomes of the universe because our precursors are in the discrete action of discrete matter. We make the free choices that we make because of how we feel about ourselves, others, and the universe... and the universe action is our progenitor father and the universe matter is our progenitor mother. We first experience the pleasure of discovering that universe as small children and that continued discovery gives meaning and purpose to us all as well...

Father, please reveal the universe to me and let me experience the wonders of your creation. From the first light of the CMB creation, we were all born out of creation's first light, which continues to shine on us today. Through the dark times following creation until the first stars and galaxies, we discover the wonder of an increasing order for the ever expanding possibilities of our shrinking universe.

Mother, thank-you for your gifts of air, food, drink, shelter, and your Earth we all share. You have made these gifts possible by the growing order of our sun and earth as your shrinking self.

Thank-you for the outcomes that we share with others from the increasing order of the outcomes of each action of shrinking precursor matter.

Heavenly Father and Earthly Mother, help guide me in feeling the pleasure of discovering desirable outcomes with others with the precursor emotion of pleasure. Help me reduce anxiety over undesirable outcomes, have joy and reduce misery, have compassion and reduce free choice, find serenity and reduce anger, and feel pride and reduce shame.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Causal Set Discrete Aether

Causal sets of discrete action as photon exchange bind all discrete matter as either charge or gravity. At the microscopic scale, photon exchange binds charges into a single state while at the macroscopic scale, biphoton exchange binds gravity matter with a large degeneracy of states.
The primordial shine of the cosmic microwave background, the CMB creation, represents the ultimate glue of gravity biphoton exchange that binds the universe together as both charge and gravity. Each atom of matter today is a result of the emission of light from charge bonds and others in the universe see our shine and we see their shine. That shine exchange binds us together even when we do not know the others that see our shine...

Friday, March 9, 2018

Causal set quantum gravity as discrete aether...

Causal set quantum gravity supposes a discrete universe made up of very small granules and those granules seem a lot like discrete aether, which is 8.68e-69 kg and 1.2e126 discrete particles make up the universe today. The axioms of these granules are that they act on each other in ways that are transitive, non-circular, and finite. Time and space in a granulated universe are not continuous but rather time and space simply emerge as continuous interpolations of the large numbers of discrete actions of discrete granules.

The prescription of a Hamiltonian to a causal set is complicated by the lack of a continuous space or time variables in the granulated universe. The dynamics of a causal set come from parental actions that occur between causal subsets of particles that lead to progeny and from those family histories then emerges what we call space and time. Thus, by its very definition, a causal set is always changing and today, the universe of discrete matter decays just as it's discrete actions grow.

The dimensions of discrete matter and action form step operators of both anti-commuting and non-commuting conjugate Hilbert spaces and therefore form a density matrix with a quadratic Hamiltonian. The Hamiltonian factors into an anti-commuting spin = 2 gravity and a non-commuting spin = 1/2 charge operators and so the granulated universe unifies charge and gravity.

Although the notion of a granulated universe has been around since 1991 (Sorkin 1991), it has not really received a very wide acceptance by many in mainstream science. Although causal set granulation does formulate a quantum density matrix for gravity, the granulated quantum gravity has not yet resulted into any further insights into the conundrums of gravity. Just as the quantization of electromagnetic fields resolved the singularities of quantum charge, granular quantum gravity does remove the singularities of gravity, i.e., black holes.

The gravity of a black hole deflects and blue-shifts light as the figure shows. The skimming light exchanges momentum with the black hole but if the light skims closer than about a wavelength to the event horizon during its journey, that light phase entangles the black hole phase at the two points shown and the photon gains energy but is not absorbed. This phase entanglement means that the states and entropy of the black hole are now in a superposition of light states with those in spacetime.
Quantum gravity transforms the black hole singularity of relativity into a phase transition between the ordinary granulation phase of aether that emerges as continuous space and time and light with matter into an extraordinary granulation phase of a causal set of entangled discrete matter and action in cosmic time. Unlike granulated propagation of information in relativistic space and atomic time, the transitive granules of a black-hole causal set percolate information with the entanglement of matter and action in the very slow cosmic time without space and atomic time. Essentially, it appears to observers in space and atomic time that the black-hole information is all at the black-hole surface and that the black-hole information entangles light holographically only at the surface.

The black-hole surface represents a phase boundary between light, which is the action of matter, and the black-hole matter and actions that exist as transitive, non-circular, and finite granules. The notion of a granulated black hole is also consistent with the holographic principle, which supposes that black holes preserve information as a hologram on their surfaces.

The entanglement of light's quantum phase stores quantum information in space and time and the entanglement of action's quantum phase stores information for black-hole granules.

Causal Sets: Discrete Gravity, Sorkin

Causal sets and the deep structure of spacetime, Dowker 2008

A Classical Sequential Growth Dynamics for Causal Sets, Rideout and Sorkin, 2004

Entanglement Entropy in Causal Set Theory, Sorkin and Yazdi, 2018

Discrete Aether and Action as Fundamental

FQXi Discrete Aether and Action as Fundamental

Saturday, March 3, 2018

The unknowable mystery of quantum phase

Understanding quantum phase and its decoherence or decay are very important for understanding the mystery of our microscopic quantum reality, but the mystery of quantum phase does not play much of a role in how things happen in our macroscopic reality. This is because by the time macroscopic things happen, quantum matter phase coherence has usually decayed or collapsed into classical reality.

Macroscopic gravity particles in general relativity have the property of mass but do not have the property of phase. However, quantum particles have both the properties of mass and quantum phase, which means that quantum matter periodically goes out of and comes back into existence with a complementary spin. There is then a perpetual cycle of matter oscillation that defines the quantum mystery of existence and relativistic gravity is simply missing this oscillation of matter.

Classical science and relativistic gravity define existence as unchanging matter moving along determinate paths in space and time. The classical determinate path of a particle with relativistic gravity does not change unless acted on by some other force. Quantum science, though, defines existence as a perpetual matter action or oscillation that never stops and so there is an inherent uncertainty in the path of every quantum particle through space...even without any other action force.

Quantum gravity has the same oscillation of matter as quantum charge, but this oscillation must always be along a determinate relativistic gravity path in space and time. This makes quantum gravity particles uncertain in matter and action, but not uncertain and therefore determinate in path. Space and time actually emerge along with the determinate path of a gravity particle from the matter and action of quantum gravity. As a result, it is matter and action that define space and time and therefore also define quantum gravity. Unlike relativistic gravity, quantum charge acts upon itself as well as upon other particles. Quantum gravity, though, is necessarily complementary and so the quantum gravity of a particle does indeed act upon itself.

Just as quantum spin represents the action of a quantum particle upon itself with photons, the spin of quantum gravity represents the action of a quantum gravity particle upon itself with biphotons. Its just that the states of quantum gravity are 1e39th power weaker than those of quantum charge. Gravity particle wavefunctions then show dispersions that span the universe and it is convenient to use biphoton exchange for gravity quadrupoles just as single photon exchanges drive charge force. There is a photon of charge exchange that binds every atom of matter and that exchange photon entangles with its complementary emitted photon from creation at the CMB.

Just as there is an uncertainty with quantum spin, there is a corresponding uncertainty with gravity quadrupole spin driven by gravity self energy. However, the complementary effect of gravity bodies on each other means that there are still determinate paths for those bodies. The complementary determinate paths of two gravity bodies, though, are still subject to uncertainties in matter and action along those paths.

It is therefore not possible to precisely measure both the matter and the action of two orbiting bodies even though it is possible to know their respective paths though space and time with arbitrary precision. It is only the noise of chaos that limits measurements of gravity paths and it is the noise of quantum phase that limits measurements of matter and action.

Perpetual photon exchange binds every atom today from the emission of a photon of light at the CMB creation when electrons bonded to protons and other matter. Those two events are entangled with each other and define the size of the universe with a biphoton gravity quadrupole. The coupling between the emission of CMB photons and the photon exchange of stable atoms is the mystery of quantum gravity. This means that gravity force depends on the size of the universe and since the size of the universe changes over time, gravity therefore also depends on time.

Typical descriptions of what is often called the mystery of quantum particle dispersion often do not include any description of phase or of phase decay. This is odd because quantum phase and quantum phase decay are really at the root of the quantum mystery. Classically, a single particle is in a knowable state even though it can be in either of two states or places. Once an observer measures that particle state, it is then certain that the particle was always in that knowable measured state even before the measurement.

A quantum particle, however, can be in a superposition of two states or places and when an observer measures the particle state, the particle collapses into just one state or place. However, the particle was perpetually oscillating and therefore was never in just one knowable state or place before the observation. Even when an observer sees a quantum particle on one path, that does not mean that the quantum particle was not perpetually oscillating. Rather it means that the quantum particle was on a superposition of both paths until the observer saw it and that quantum coherence decayed into one state.

Much quantum knowledge is therefore unknowable and therefore quantum knowledge involves both knowable classical knowledge as well as the unknowable. However, we do have a quantum intuition that also represents choices that we make by our gut or instinct. Thus, our knowledge, reason, and intuition all contribute to our wisdom and the choices that we make.