The matter-energy equivalence principle shows that the energy of a photon of light is equivalent to mass and the mass of an atom therefore increases when it absorbs light. In fact, the sun's gravity bends the path of a photon just like a the sun's gravity bends the path of a passing asteroid and so sufficiently energetic photons will attract each other and merge into matter. The Higgs boson at 125 GeV collision of two protons is consistent with the inspiral merger of two photons, a biphoton, at 125 GeV to make two hydrogen atoms along with a lot of other particles.
Just like the inspiral merger of two black holes, a photon pair inspiral merger is what makes up each particle of matter with complementary photons trapped in each others gravity wells. Thus all matter is equivalent to a bound photon pair resonance that we interpret as electrons, protons, and neutrons of matter.
Photons travel at the speed of light, c, and the photon pair emits a gravity wave as they inspiral and eventually merge into matter at an event horizon. But matter is not stable until certain photon thresholds and so the electron is the simplest photon superposition. Spinning black holes are large matter accretions that likewise involve the inspiral of photons.
The biphoton nature of matter is completely consistent with the electrons, protons, and neutrons that science observes along with the particle zoo of higher energy matter. The biphoton hydrogen exists because of the emission of a Rydberg photon at the CMB creation, where all matter condensed from the primordial cold photon vapor. The Rydberg photons of all matter exist today as the CMB and their entanglement with matter today is what we call gravity, the basic force that holds biphotons together as matter.
Charge force is then a particular resonance between the electron and proton biphoton that satisfies the quantum action of the Schrödinger equation and h/c2. The Rydberg biphoton is the archetype of the universe and forms the inner and outer forces that science calls charge and gravity. While the Rydberg photon emitted at the CMB creation is responsible for gravity, the Rydberg photon exchange is the bond between an electron and proton in hydrogen.
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